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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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That's not a spoon...this is a spoon
Running around, robbing banks, all whacked on the scooby snacks!

How that got into my head, I'm not sure.
Kung Fu Kitty


Funny, this cat looks exactly like mine, and my cat knows Kung Fu as well
I have video evidence on my old modile that she also knows the drunken style. Wouldn't have a clue how to upload it though.

Also, just before I left Sydney we lived in a rental place for a while, this place had floor boards on the walls for some reason. SWMBO and I had a few friends over for dinner, one of our mate suddenly had a WTF look on her face, we all turned around to see Oscar climbing up the wall, not just clawing at it, she was half way up the ******* thing. I shit you not
In welcoming Australian Tourists the UK we English are not shy about offering them a range of accommodation and services according to their tastes and needs


edit: the third sandwich board from the left seems to indicate that they do callouts as well. Now that's service for you.
Posting a big smack for the moron who just said they would be happy to admit to stupidity almost immediately after suggesting someone can't read for questioning his garbled ruminations.

Posting another big smack for everyone on this board who posts one sentence followed by "/rant".
Posting another big smack for "/rant" UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.


Also /end rant, 2c, just my 2 cents, IMHO, all smilies/emoticons, actions (*makes coffee in a giant saucepan and forgets to put away the milk*) and censoring profanities. Either use them properly or find another expression, **** ya.

I'm so angry, I can hardly breathe.
*reads and acknolwedges the comments in your previous message* ^_^ ^_^ :ph34r: :beer:

2c, just my 2 cents, IMHO,

I don't mind these so much. If applied properly (and actually read in kind) they can defuse potentially hostile discussions.

I particularly despise hostile discussions.
...and "IMHO".

Everything you say unless you reference it, is your opinion.
No. Things can be factual even if a source is not cited (regardless of what a high school teacher once told you).

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I pitched American wheat yeast in my brown porter :eek:

I had nothing else

My 1469 was infected after 6 months in a jam jar in the fridge with a dodgy lid.

The 1010 was clean as a whistle and it is suposed to be a tooheys old clone........ so in it went.

I had to tell someone ,but didnt know where :)
I soooooooooooooooooooo want one of these for Xmas!

Keep the revs over 8K and keep the wheels turning!

Let this one pause and load up before playing and marvel at the faces people pull when you pull 4 G's in a WRX

love it!
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No. Things can be factual even if a source is not cited (regardless of what a high school teacher once told you).

True. But you'd be silly to take it as anything else but opinion on a place as dodgy as an Internet forum