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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Do any of you guys have a recipe for beer?

tinny of farmland draught
3kg sugaz (get caster sugar because it disolvs easier and makes tha beer smoooth)
furment at like 24-28c, quick beer is a good beer!

bottle with carb drops
Jeez, it's been quiet here the last couple of days... You guys almost have me so bored that I'm doing work!

Hot potato and cold spaghetti for lunch today :ph34r:
All I have to say is thank f**king christ it's friday. I'd had enough of this week on monday arvo.
Got Pavement tickets today. I thought I'd be more excited than this.
Yay the weekend's here at last. Too bloody blowy to take the boat out so brew time to the max.
With summer just around the corner one may try making a midstrength beer today.
I'm preparing for an assault on the Earl of Aberdeen (Coopers Alehouse). My target is a giant schnitzel, possibly covered with a serving of nachos, and numerous flagons of ale. Wish me luck.
Are you adept at playing the rusty trombone, P&C?



how many people are thinking "what is playing the rusty trombone?...." :p
Putin... the new Chuck?

Oh shit, Chuck just tomohawk'd me.
Stop making a new thread every time a thought pops into your head, moron!

And you brew k&b - not extract, douche-bag.