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I only just found out Where the Wild Things Are is coming out on Oct 16 (finally!).

Spike Jonez, Dave Eggers - are you ******* kidding me? My dick is all hard and shit.

I am pissed the shit off. Not coming out til December third now. Spewing. Was looking forward to that.
Ordered my second lot of Pizzas from the local Eagle Boys via the Internet. Beats the old methods and you specify when you want to pick it up and it's just out of the oven when you arrive. Cheap tuesday as well so I got double topping.

I also buy all movie tickets online now. In the recent school holidays (I think they are still on in NSW?) we went to see "Up". Got there and there were literally hundreds of people and kids queuing and looking pissed off and I marched up to the "Internet Jump the queue" aisle and immediately got called up to next free ticket point. There were the usual rumblings of "what's going on here, hey what's the deal, arsehole".

Don't these morons have the Internet? What do they spend their baby bonuses and family tax benefit part a or b or whatever on? This is the 21st century... there's a huge pool of redneck banjo strumming ignorance called Caboolture. Most of them are obese as well so it's probably good that they don't know they can order Eagle Boys online.
I swear I read a post from you somewhere, almost exactly the same apart from the third word, which was "first".
I think the other time he was seeing Ice Age 3 or something.

I am detecting a theme.
The first lot of Pizzas were last week, indeed. On thinking about all the people sitting there like refugees at a Siberian Railway station in 1919 waiting for pizzas they had wandered in and ordered it got me thinking once again about the digital divide. On going to see "Up" the situation had not changed since my visit to Ice Age iii described in my old thread

A developing theme for sure and on a broader level it encompasses things like the Chinese Hop Buy and they way some people are using the Internet to shop and source their requirements, but out there in the real world a huge mass of the population seem to be stuck in their ways. Is this the so called digital divide or are we forum dwellers the strange ones?
A developing theme for sure and on a broader level it encompasses things like the Chinese Hop Buy and they way some people are using the Internet to shop and source their requirements, but out there in the real world a huge mass of the population seem to be stuck in their ways. Is this the so called digital divide or are we forum dwellers the strange ones?

Then shouldn't you have just downloaded the movie?

But the theme I was alluding to was your tastes in filums.
I recently bought my first example of a particular well regarded, somewhat avant garde Scottish brewery's beer. I purchased this beer from a well regarded suburban Melbourne alcoholic beverage emporium. I have been looking forward to this beer. I just poured this beer and it came out the bottle with no head (into a crystal-clean Headmaster glass). I look at the bottle - best before 07/07/09. Taste? I dunno, maybe it is supposed to taste like a bitter anus but I doubt it - they aren't that avant garde. Well. Lesson learned. No wait. Better look at the other beers I bought. Ah cool. a SNPA sixer that is 3 weeks past it too. Fucken rad. **** you, formerly well-regarded, un-named suburban Melbourne alcoholic beverage emporium (Purvis) - this is the 4th time in 2 visits you've fucked me. No more.
Here I am worrying about my tie and I haven't even got a resum let alone an updated one! BEst get to work on that.

I forgot to post an amusingly depressing factlette in relation to this. I was compiling copies of my qualifications - my teriary ones were printed on a dot matrix printer! I looked at it closely to make sure it wasn't printed on parchment.
Every bugger and his dog up and at it on the forums this morning.

Get a job :beerbang:
What's with all the posting of random items? At least post funny pictures. I see a new post here and go "Ooh! Yes... time for a chuckle", and then I see a picture of a vegetable against a blank backdrop. It kills my erection every time... wait.
And here I was thinking the cucumber would do it for ya :lol:
I'm stuck at home sick, this is horrid. It's bloody spring, who gets a flu in spring??

In the spirit of amusement.....This can only end well..

I just walked into Bribie Home Brew n Bits and bought 2 cans of Coopers Stout, a kilo of LDME and a kilo of Dex. I am going to brew a 9% headbanger toucan and get absolutely paralytic. :icon_cheers: :icon_cheers:

I didn't use the internet to order it and I paid in cash. Can't believe how smoothly the transaction went off, and looking forward to my 25 minute brew day.
I just walked into Bribie Home Brew n Bits and bought 2 cans of Coopers Stout, a kilo of LDME and a kilo of Dex. I am going to brew a 9% headbanger toucan and get absolutely paralytic. :icon_cheers: :icon_cheers:

I didn't use the internet to order it and I paid in cash. Can't believe how smoothly the transaction went off, and looking forward to my 25 minute brew day.
Bribie if you stop arseing about you can get it down to 15min.