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I think this is what Bribie means, Kleiny ;)

I have a robo-boner.
The missus came home with 5 (and a half. Bitch) blocks of Cocoa Farm Mango Lime and Chilli dark chocolate.

Oh man. I have a choco-boner.
I come with hydraulically powered piston attachments in any size of your choice.
God, some people here shit me.

Back to the original topic,...[snip]

The majority of the thread that is copied from is on topic to the point of specificity (few are even commenting on people's on topic posts (which is ******* boring, guys)) and the most recent off topic post was from this same poster. Some of you need internet lessons. Hardcore.
Yep,, it's a wonderful day, and to hell with any thoughts of a machine making my beer.
Indeed a wonderful day. I have to give a seminar this morning I'm probably not adequately prepared for, then I shall have a beer or two.
[6292] >> MSEnv extensibility IClassFactory::LockServer(FALSE), lock count: 1
SymTDI: ProcTrack: CalculateSignatureForModule : Module doesn't seem to have DOS header?
[6292] VSS RPC Service call failed, server: vicsql2kd01, err: 06ba
[6292] Reloading schema 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\xml\Schemas\addinschema.xsd'.
[6292] Reloading schema 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\xml\Schemas\adrotator1_0.xsd'.
[6292] Reloading schema 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\Policy\Schemas\TDLSchema.xsd'.
[6292] Reloading schema 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\Policy\Schemas\Policy.xsd'.
[6292] Reloading schema 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\xml\schemas\1033\vstemplate.xsd'.
No wonder I could never find Wally


He was off having gimp sex
RE: "creative" name spellings.

Just saw a J'sen (Jason) on a friend's Facebook.

Some people just should not be allowed to breed.
Ahhh, what a great 24 hours....

Picked up a free 26inch HD LCD yesterday, came with a great collection of beer glassware too.

Then, after I sat it in my giant TV unit I realised we could easily handle a smaller unit, checked freecycle and EXACTLY what I was after had just appeared........Rock on.
This is now the call-out thread too:


Back on topic.

"A.K.A. The specific thing i was interested in when I made the thread (A.K.A. My opinion - only!)."

People were talking about how they enjoy the exact same thing. It was on topic, cock.
The creepiest picture (of cats) ever taken? I give you:

Our car when I was a kid:

click for more info: (bottom of page)
