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Been craying lately
especially given the recent post by bribie about not being able to stroll naked to the bathroom in the morning, due to an old woody... :lol:
but as good as it ever was B)

edit: Butters I was just thinking about you but not in the woody department, or at least if it was in the woody department I wouldn't tell you anyway, but I kegged a Butters inspired mild the other day and just had a pint, and thought hey I can have a few pints of this without getting legless (3.5% ABV) then you popped up on the forum. What an exciting life we lead :super: :super:
Just got back from Vlado's. Full as a goog.
'Mornin all,
Well how about that,,,,,, it actually rained last night, couldn't tell by lookin at the sky as it's a beautiful day in the tropics.

Pulled a small stubby of WY1469 from the fridge yesterday morning, and noted I had dated it January this year.
Pitched the slurry into a 1 litre starter, and aerated it.
No action as of last night, nor earlier this morning.
Lo, and behold, it is now showing a small kraeusen, so it looks as if it's firing.
Will ferment it out and crash chill it, and pitch the sluryy into a bigger starter.

Looks like my planned brewday this week is still on.
Just went to the Meccanno exhibition. Amazing to see what these (self admittedly) geeky guys, and with one exception they were all guys, had made out of a couple of pieces of tin and bolts.

Reminds me of the set I had as a kid. Nowadays, Meccano is made of plastic, tied in with movie licences, and no longer in any danger of stretching any kids imagination.
chicken vindaloo for lunch :icon_drool2:
I just got a letter inviting me to my first job interview in what must be about fifteen years. I am shitting bricks.

Crashed and burned.
I'm sitting at an AGM for a playgroup. A fkn kids playgroup. They make u come to the agm otherwise u r on bottom of waiting list. I've looked over the financials and the idiots can't even do a basic profit and loss or balance sheet. It's a debarcle. What a waste of my time. At least I have wifi and Jamil podcasts to get me thru.
Edit. I'm also the only bloke in a room full of old birds. How out of place do I feel
My fermenting fridge just shat itself in the middle of my first use of a lager yeast.

**** this week.
Is it already down to fermentation temperature though? If so, all it not lost, just cycle some icepacks through the fridge and it should keep cool.

EDIT: Corrected typo for typo-Nazi.
I do try to only point them out when they are amusing.

It has been fermenting pretty solidly for two weeks already. I dunno, I'm thinking I'll just rack it and bang it under the house and hope the weather stays cold down here for a couple of weeks. The fridge should still be alright as a dead box for ales.
Yeaaaaaaaaaaah it'll be fine, actually after 2 weeks it could do with a temperature raise to finish it off. So actually, it worked out fine, although you do need a new fermenting fridge.
SWMBO has been banging on about wanting a bigger fridge for the kitchen for a while so she'll probably get her way now.

She probably sabotaged mine. :ph34r:
This is why candid camera shows can be dangerous... the robbery is a fake and the "robber" gets uhh... "caught" :)

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