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I'm aware of it's origin.......Phases me not......
Faaarrrrrrkkkk!!!!!!! I just done something completely and utterly freaking brainless. Went to swap a keg over and just hooked the gas line onto the beer out post. Needless to say all the gas lines have just been replaced and a mess was cleaned. Thank christ for non reture valves. I think I'm just going to fit one to all 3 lines between the manifold and the kegs now, just to save all the fart arsing round' if I ever do it again (which I prolly will :rolleyes: )
Trading in our old Magna (1998) for a brand new Barina.....

If you buy the Barina, enjoy driving your Daewoo.

Yup Daewoo Kalos

However if I was in the market for a small car I reckon the Holden / Chev / Daewoo / Opel / .......Cruze is the most refreshing car to come on the market for yonks. A real car looking car and not just Granny's Seoul shopping trolley.
Looks like the previous range of Mazdas.
I cut a bit of my thumb off. Maybe I should have posted it in the"whats on the plate" thread, because I couldnt find the bit of nail and flesh.
Nice clean cut thanks to a freshly sharpened knife.

View attachment 39942

A few years ago (over 7 I think) I did a very similar cut while working in a kitchen. I have a very slight hint of nerve damage in that part of the finger. Healed OK but that one is slightly mis-shapen compared to to the one on the other hand.

Can't remember if I went to the doctor (maybe the manager decided I had to?) but I certainly didn't stop to take a photo.

Hope it heals up OK.
A few years ago (over 7 I think) I did a very similar cut while working in a kitchen. I have a very slight hint of nerve damage in that part of the finger. Healed OK but that one is slightly mis-shapen compared to to the one on the other hand.

Can't remember if I went to the doctor (maybe the manager decided I had to?) but I certainly didn't stop to take a photo.

Hope it heals up OK.

Photo was after a day of being under a bandage.
But yes I did try to take a photo just after I did it, but it wouldnt stop bleeding and you couldnt really see anything but blood.
Anyone else enjoy the Union on Saturday night?
Who do you guys think is gonna win the mardi gras?
Just had a lovely chat with a gentleman who kindly offered to "slice me to pieces" in connection with the issue lightly touched upon in my post in this thread. I could not be more delighted!
Just had a lovely chat with a gentleman who kindly offered to "slice me to pieces" in connection with the issue lightly touched upon in my post in this thread. I could not be more delighted!

wtf? i read and re read that post and not one thing comes across as shit....whats the deal?
Just had a lovely chat with a gentleman who kindly offered to "slice me to pieces" in connection with the issue lightly touched upon in my post in this thread. I could not be more delighted!

Well I spose at least he was polite about it
Oh, I assure you his manners are impeccable.

wtf? i read and re read that post and not one thing comes across as shit....whats the deal?

Nah, not because of my comments there but IRL because of the situation that the comment is about. I'm not entirely sure what the deal is but apparently I need to "watch out". So now we've gotta lock away all our valuables while we're not home (I don't wish to stereotype but drug money has to come from somewhere, you know?) and hope like **** he doesn't let the cat out if he does pay us a visit while we're out (inside cat, she'd be right under a car first thing). Also gotta hope he doesn't come visit me while SWMBO is home.

This shit is getting fucked up and apparently I'm not allowed to stay out of it a mind my own business.
Not a comment on the forum.

A comment on my phone from someone who knows where I live.
This shit is getting fucked up and apparently I'm not allowed to stay out of it a mind my own business.

Why`s that?
I don`t understand that, why aren`t you allowed to stay out of it and mind your own business?
Seems a bit odd.


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