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What is Haiku?

Haiku is one of the most important form of traditional Japanese poetry. Haiku is, today, a 17-syllable verse form consisting of three metrical units of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. Since early days, there has been confusion between the three related terms Haiku, Hokku and Haikai. The term hokku literally means "starting verse", and was the first starting link of a much longer chain of verses known as haika. Because the hokku set the tone for the rest of the poetic chain, it enjoyed a privileged position in haikai poetry, and it was not uncommon for a poet to compose a hokku by itself without following up with the rest of the chain.

Largely through the efforts of Masaoka Shiki, this independence was formally established in the 1890s through the creation of the term haiku. This new form of poetry was to be written, read and understood as an independent poem, complete in itself, rather than part of a longer chain.

Strictly speaking, then, the history of haiku begins only in the last years of the 19th century. The famous verses of such Edo-period (1600-1868) masters as Basho, Yosa Buson, and Kobayashi Issa are properly referred to as hokku and must be placed in the perspective of the history of haikai even though they are now generally read as independent haiku. In HAIKU for PEOPLE, both terms will be treated equally! The distinction between hokku and haiku can be handled by using the terms Classical Haiku and Modern Haiku.
Everyone fails here
Haiku needs 17 verse
And have nature theme

Nature theme is old style.
Modern style haiku can be
about anything.
Am I alone here
In counting syllables out
On fingers for this?
It is a bison
It's, it's, it is a bison
It is a bisooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon
different haiku d'etat

mike, aaron and eddy!
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bronze, silver or gold.... find out tonight!

Im so excited never won anything in my life!
random observation from university:

asking for assignment extensions in haiku drastically increases your chances.

..that said i did get an extension once for saying if they didnt I might flip out like a ninja and cut off random peoples heads with a katana, so the statistics might be slightly skewed
I've had a few and am going to watch a couple of episodes of The Mighty Boosh, Series III, probably Eels GOT THE EELS... and maybe The power of the crimp or The chokes. I'll be back.

are you bulletproof boy?

The cockney
You've got me caught in a polo nightmare.

I'm an oldschool Boosh fan but I hated the **** out of series 3. Watch the Ballad of Milky Joe. Or Tundra.
Saw the doc this arvo.
I have shingles.
:mellow: :huh:

For some reason mrs warra said to lay off beer until I recover.

I have way too much good beer in stock to take that advice, so I had a nice Bitter and an APA this evening to celebrate the diagnosis.
You've got me caught in a polo nightmare.

I'm an oldschool Boosh fan but I hated the **** out of series 3. Watch the Ballad of Milky Joe. Or Tundra.

The nightmare of milky joe is a classic. Isolation.......
...and that's why I don't like cricket.
Have you Boosh fans seen Snuff Box?

It's a pretty crude and oddly put together sketch show by Matt Berry (Dixon Bainbridge in Boosh) and Rich Fulcher (Bob Fossil/Tommy/Ape of Death/etc.), the music gets a little annoying but there's some absolute gold comedy in there.


Here's a teaser clip
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Oh yeah, and Indoor Soccer CHAMPIONS back-to-back... and three premierships in four seasons.

We are unstoppable.

I am an immovable force in goals and a precision sweeper/striker on the field. Manchester United want me but I'm not in it for the money....
So I woke up on the couch at 1am.......

No idea when I fell asleep/passed out, but the wife must have already gone to bed....

Time for a detox I think....