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I thought the wife beating comment was from Darren to one Mr Butters............
Ahh, then shouldn't someone else also be given the ban hammer? Hmm... haven't seen him for a while...

Naaaaaaaaah he's still here 8)
That's it! Next time we win the America's Cup I'm gonna fire you for not turning up to work.
Most of us are a generous lot. Met some great people off here.

Meeting one of them on Sunday.. Pete we will be thinking of you, sitting in the sun by the water drinking pints of LCPA! mmmmmmmmm
Hehe, he mentioned he was heading over your way earlier this week. Have fun.

Let us all know whenever you guys ever come over this way. Always great to catch up with other brewers.

Re: the glassing comments. I'd hate to see it occur on an AHB crawl, but hey, every hobby & obsession is bound to have a handful of dickheads.

The only time I've seen a glassing, a mate did it to himself. He just tapped his head a little bit hard and crack.
It was very funny for our group, watching the barmaid come to collect the broken glass, to see my mate with a trickle of blood down his forehead.
That's it! Next time we win the America's Cup I'm gonna fire you for not turning up to work.

Great bum, that's just what we need, Chappo with more free time to post on AHB (and polish Sherman..)

Cheers SJ
Right, just discovered a huge blue bruise on my knee, not a freaking clue where it came from.......
I have too much time
On my hands at work today.
So I write haiku.
The vibe of haiku
I still don't quite understand
but I still write them
Your haiku is crap
It is really dumb and stuff
Your haiku is crap
Bored I am you see.
Write Yoda haiku I will.
Much more fun it is.
Just looked up haiku
I did vege-english in school
did i fail at this?
Everyone fails here
Haiku needs 17 verse
And have nature theme
Fail you did my friend
Eight syllable second line.
Haiku wants seven.