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I've got a little cash to spend on more brewing equipment :super: however I'm undecided and was hoping for some opinions. At the moment I have 2 x 3gal kegs and 3x 5 gal kegs but no grain mill usually buy it cracked or get LHBS to crack it a couple of days B4.
What should I blow my money on, more kegs or a Grain Mill?
I'd vote grain mill. Just makes it easier when you purchase bags of grain and decide to do an impromptu brew. Ooo :huh:

OTOH More kegs = more storage for those impromptu brews. Just fuels the quandary eh?

Decisions, decisions. :beerbang:

I know! Get both. :super:

Warren -
Blow it on the mill, grain will keep.

If you have any left over, buy another keg or 2. And bottles are easy to come by
Go The Mill,

With the money you will (probably) save on cheaper grain if you buy bags, you will be able to buy an extra keg very soon.

I found from my LHBS that going from grain per KG to buying it in a bag I would have saved around $35 per bag....
Go the Mill. If you need to store some beer while you're waiting for the next free keg, you can always use a jerry can - or drink fasterer :)

The crankenstein sounds like the mill to buy at the moment.
Boots said:
Go the Mill. If you need to store some beer while you're waiting for the next free keg, you can always use a jerry can - or drink fasterer :)

The crankenstein sounds like the mill to buy at the moment.

Yeah the crankenstein was the one I was going to get however I gave up waiting for them to arrive at TWOC and ended up getting a Barley Crusher.

Ended up costing me $220 AUD including postage, I ordered on the friday and received it the next thursday.

This came with a base and 7 pound hopper.

I'm happy with my purchase.
I vote for a mill too, no competition. The convenience of having your own mill is worth more than the extra kegs in my opinion.

I don't know how close the local brew shop (and how far out of the way it is to get your malt crushed) is to you but in my opinion by buying a mill your taking an inconvenient step out of your all grain brew day. Buy your base grain in bulk, and have a selection of specialty grains on hand and you can brew whatever you want whenever you want (yeast dependent of course).

Plus you get the added benefits of super fresh cracked grain to brew with. Plus what happens if you buy your precrushed day and then the worst happens and your brewday falls through for some reason (it always happens to me), if you only crush your malt at the start of the brew day you'd never get caught with malt going stale.

Cheers, Justin
sluggerdog said:
ended up getting a Barley Crusher.

Ended up costing me $220 AUD including postage, I ordered on the friday and received it the next thursday.

This came with a base and 7 pound hopper.

I'm happy with my purchase.
Many thanks for all the opinions fellas------The mill wins!!!!
Even though you have made the decision, I say grain mill too.
Good decision.

get the mill and barley crusher is good to deal with you can just buy ther base like i did but i do like the idea of the 3 roller mill by cranknstien

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