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Canberra, the 60 min boil is to break down proteins and other stuff in the grainy water, though not necessary it does help.

Dont worry about secondary fermentation until you get the handle on everything else. Just leave in fermenter for 2 weeks as suggested earlier before bottling. :p
Alright, So just about to buy some ingredients!

Now im buying from craftbrew as i have NO IDEA where the LHBS is in canberra.

Im assuming i need to "mill" the grains? what would be the best way of doing this?
most good brew shops will mill the grain for you so saves you the hassle,craftbrewer or grain & grape are both excellent sources to get everthing delivered to your door
All ingredients ordered! Bought stuff from CB and coopers. All up Inc postage for 2 batches cost me about $60

So pretty happy considering that's about $10 a case. I bought double because I an assuming I may stuff up and would like to make a batch right after my first and taste the diffrence based on what I learnt from the first!

Thanks for all the help. Fantastic community here
Glad to be able to help out, I have learned a pile (And more from this thread about 60min boils effects) from here. Im sure you will learn a ton more in the next few months.
Okay, so i should be starting the batch tommorrow! bit of a break from exams so can be bottling just after exams are over!

So basically just want to check my method and get some last min input etc.

Firstly i plan on doing a secondary ferment and then batch prime. Why? because i feel like it =]

1. Bring 2L of Water to 65Degree's C and then take off heat. Add grain for 60 mins. Cover with some towels then steep.
3. Boil the Grainwater for 1 hour. at 15 mins left add hops 15g for 10 min, then add another 15g for 5 min.
4. Remove Hops and you have wort.
4.1 Pour cans of goo into fermenter and disolve with some boiling water
5. Pour into steralised fermentor and top with water and get to correct pitching temp.
6. Pitch Yeast.
7. Ferment for 4 days then add 15G hops to fermentor and let ferment to final gravity. (can i dry hop in secondary for 4 - 5 days?) Or better in primary?

Anything else important i am missing. OH yes it has been mentioned. before but ill mention it again. Step 4.1 Anyone got other idea's?

Cheers again for the help fellas!
Okay, so i should be starting the batch tommorrow! bit of a break from exams so can be bottling just after exams are over!

So basically just want to check my method and get some last min input etc.

Firstly i plan on doing a secondary ferment and then batch prime. Why? because i feel like it =]

1. Bring 2L of Water to 65Degree's C and then take off heat. Add grain for 60 mins. Cover with some towels then steep.
3. Boil the Grainwater for 1 hour. at 15 mins left add hops 15g for 10 min, then add another 15g for 5 min.
4. Remove Hops and you have wort.
4.1 Pour cans of goo into fermenter and disolve with some boiling water
5. Pour into steralised fermentor and top with water and get to correct pitching temp.
6. Pitch Yeast.
7. Ferment for 4 days then add 15G hops to fermentor and let ferment to final gravity. (can i dry hop in secondary for 4 - 5 days?) Or better in primary?

Anything else important i am missing. OH yes it has been mentioned. before but ill mention it again. Step 4.1 Anyone got other idea's?

Cheers again for the help fellas!

You need to add some fermentables to step 3 after you have steeped the grains. In order to utilise the hops, your wort needs to be around 1.040 when you boil. This equates to approx 100g dme to 1L water. Due to evaporation loss, maybe consider topping up your steepings to 5L and add 500g dme, this would give you a handy boil size.
dme? im guessing thats something malt extract? so add another 2L of boiling water to my steepings and then add 1/3 of the tin of malt extract and then check the gravitiy and go off that?
Sounds good to me. Remember to compensate for the higher temperature when taking the gravity reading.
in regards to fermentation temp, i have found a back storage room in the house that sits between 16 - 19 degree's and using a US - 05 yeast. how do we think that will go?
cheers mate, just boiling the grain water and steralising the fermentor as we speak!!! not long till fermentation begins!!!
I'm with Camo on this one...

I've only just started - onto my 7th brew in 4 months, and I started off with a Fat Yak and then a Golden Ale funnily enough! (both kits from my LHBS). The kits came with the ingredients and the recipe to follow - step by step!, and advice from the people in the store which is invaluable when you are trying to learn about steeping, boiling, hopping schedules and dry hopping etc.

Once I had the kits under my belt I've now experimented with my own Stone & Wood Ale (loving!), a Mid Strength Golden ale, and have a Red Hill wheat bubbling away....
But again, I always run my recipes past the LHBS rep before giving it a crack...

have fun :p enjoy the experimentation, but it's like learning to cook - start slowly and learn as much as you can on the way - and seek advice on anything and everything. So far I'm loving the beer I've made, and this forum is fantastic!!

PS. happy to give you my take on the fat yak, and golden ale as a k&K brew!

This amazes me - I started exactly the same, with Fat Yak which was from my LHBS (Liquorcraft) and got hooked - now i am AG and enjoying learning every brew!
just finished stired it all up its a nice golden colour so im assuming its looking good, about to check the OG and will post. NFI i forgot to check it after adding 500g of malt extract to my 5L of water that i topped up. Hopefully should be around the 1.050 markish and i will be happy =] acctually found this fairly easy. man those hops smell strong!!!! taste like crap too! but we will see what it tastes like!
Seal them up in a jar or something airtight and store them in the freezer

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