First post for me, long time reader, first time caller, and all that. This site is a great resource, and I'm trying to learn. I've done a few kit brews with good results, but this doesn't seem challenging enough so it's small batch BIAB time.
I followed [topic="38674"]Nick JD's guide[/topic], using some grains and US-05 from the LHBS and it seems to have produced beer at the end of it, and it's been bottled and now I am giving it some time before trying one. I'm pretty sure it has waaay too much hops, but hey it's only a few bottles it's a learning experience. Yesterday I gave it another go (less hops this time), and there is "something" floating after I leave the pot to chill overnight in the laundry tub:

I do wonder if this is hot break? cold break? It wasn't visible when I set the pot aside to cool overnight, and in the last batch it seemed to disappear. after the yeasties started moving everything around.
Is this is normal? Did I do something wrong?
Thanks in advance,
Here it is once poured into the fermenter:

First post for me, long time reader, first time caller, and all that. This site is a great resource, and I'm trying to learn. I've done a few kit brews with good results, but this doesn't seem challenging enough so it's small batch BIAB time.
I followed [topic="38674"]Nick JD's guide[/topic], using some grains and US-05 from the LHBS and it seems to have produced beer at the end of it, and it's been bottled and now I am giving it some time before trying one. I'm pretty sure it has waaay too much hops, but hey it's only a few bottles it's a learning experience. Yesterday I gave it another go (less hops this time), and there is "something" floating after I leave the pot to chill overnight in the laundry tub:

I do wonder if this is hot break? cold break? It wasn't visible when I set the pot aside to cool overnight, and in the last batch it seemed to disappear. after the yeasties started moving everything around.
Is this is normal? Did I do something wrong?
Thanks in advance,
Here it is once poured into the fermenter: