New Beer In The Market - Broo

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Yeah but calling people tossers just because they like their beer as something more than just a drink to get pissed on is a bit much. I'm all for marketing to the average Aussie bloke, but that takes it a tad too far in my opinion.

They are trying to break into a market which is already heavily dominated by VB, Tooheys and Carlton, and in doing so has ostracized the one market that are willing to try new and up coming brews and makes them successful. Bit short sighted if you ask me.
We have to remember the very limited (in comparison to the USA) market. They have in excess of 250 million people, compared to 22 million and with their mega-brewers producing beer which is even worse than our mega-brewers.

It is going to be hard for any micro to get up and continue running when the market is so small and the battle for shelve/pub space so well controlled by the mega-breweries. There are only so many beer drinkers to go round. Especially with the likes of us home brewers, where in my case, I buy stuff all commercial beers!

If the lobbyists can get their job done and get the excise to be more equitable along the lines of small winemakers, there is a good chance things could change, it would make small breweries more competitive with the large scale breweries. You can sign an online petition somewhere to help this cause......just don't have the link handy....anyone know it?

Good luck to anyone who starts a brewery, it is going to be a long, hard road with only a small chance of light at the end of the tunnel.
There's a lot of narrow mindedness here IMHO... Why is there such a need to convert the masses to what we call 'decent beer'? Sure if Craft Brewing gets more support, it will have a better chance of survival, but sometimes I wonder how much money the average home brewing tight arse really spends on commercially produced craft beer..

The 'you drink this therefore you must be that' mindset is a little blinkered, and getting very tiring...
Rubbish. Give Australia 5 years and you will probably end up eating your hat. Craft beer is the new thing, we are heading the way of the US in my opion.

When it is selling as much as VB, et al, I will eat my hat.
Give the bloke a break. If you don't like his beer, or his marketing, don't buy it. Accept that there will *probably* never be a large commercial market for brews with 17 different malts and hop additions made every minute...
We may all be proven wrong, but it seems crazy to release a beer that tries to compete with all the commercial lagers in Australia without being much different. It's like building a kit car and trying to compete with Ford / Holden, it wouldn't be worth the effort.

As for a beer brewed with 17 different malts, I'd simply like to see well crafted beers. There are already a number of micro-breweries producing quality lagers (eg Stone and Wood who do a Helles) but they've gone for something different. The craft beer market is expanding rapidly because people's tastes are slowly starting to change.
There's a lot of narrow mindedness here IMHO... Why is there such a need to convert the masses to what we call 'decent beer'?

I agree.

And once the masses are converted to drinking 'decent beer' what will us beer snobs have to drink to make us feel superior. :rolleyes:
Single malts :icon_cheers:
There's a lot of narrow mindedness here IMHO... Why is there such a need to convert the masses to what we call 'decent beer'?
Speaking from a purely selfish point of view I want more variety of beer.
The more people are drinking, I usually hesitate to call it better or decent but dammit I won't this time, better beer, the more people will produce it and the more variety there can be for me.
As an added benefit to me being happier people get to drink beer with flavour. Win win in my book.

I know the great majority of the market will be the Broo type lagers because the truth is when you get right down to it many beer drinkers don't actually like the taste of beer. That's why they drink it super cold and drink beers that don't taste of much.
(Please note that I do appreciate the skill of brewers who produce these beers. It's a skill to produce a beer with no faults in a style that reinforces any that do appear, I just don't like the resulting beers much. )

I don't believe that a person who drinks x is a y type of person, but marketing such as Broos actually reinforces these sort of stereotypes.

In the end everyone can drink what they please, but I'd still rather they chose to drink the sort of beers I like :)
That website was shown on The Today show a few weeks ago. Its all there to promote the beer and the main part of it is they are offering shares to the public. If you go back to the website and once click on "live the dream" part to the far top right.
The Broo plan sounds all too familiar. I vaguely remember a few years ago a "brewery" had a great chance for everyone to buy in to the company only to find that they'd bought into something with no assets and plenty of debts. Along with another more recent "brewery" that landed with a great marketing campaign only to have the "founder" slip out the back door when the bills started to rack up.

IMO if you want to compete with mega beer (say 90% of the market) you need essentially a good quality, unoffensive(bland) beer that can be produced in big volumes very cheaply with a big advertising budget. If you want to compete in the craft beer market you need good quality beer that can reach your target market effectively.

Note: "brewery" meant a desk in an office somwhere and "founder" meant the person behind the desk in an office somewhere....

Slightly off topic but what's happened to the Bluetongue Coca Cola SAB brewery on the NSW Central Coast? I thought they were going to open the flood gates in May.
Craft beer drinkers, if that is indeed what they mean by tossers, don't treat beer like wine. We treat it like people used to treat beer before tossers started treating it as an industrial commodity comprising mostly of water and ethanol.

This my friend, is going into my signature! :icon_cheers:
.............. (and I will reserve entire judgement until if/when I try it) .

Right, now I've tried it.

Unsurprisingly bland and I just spent two weeks in Tassie happily downing slightly warm boags draught camped next to a lagoon.

What taste there is is best forgotten and quickly.

I've had worse commercial and HB beer but commercially, I'd reach for carlton draught before I'd reach for this again. If I were to fall for the patriotic marketting crap, then I'll start brewing entirely with Joe white malts again.


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