My New Por Plant

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Well im excited!

Kelby droped by today and gave me a POR root he has had in his fridge for months. It was in great nick and growing......... in the fridge :eek:

So i went strait to the local and got a few bags of the best stinkiest soil i could get and made it a new home.

It already has one shoot sticking out and there are about 6 more under the soil that wont be under the soil for long.

Im interested to hear experiences hop growers thoughts on any tips to getting the most from the plant and if they think a hop plant will be happy growing up the lattice i have planted it below???????

How many runners should i let run?

Should i string wires or will it run up the lattice?

feel free to share!



personally i dont trim just let it grow. they will grow on a lattice but its up you
cool id like it if it will just grow up the lattice.......... less work for me :)

maybe screw in some eyelets into the beam ontop of the lattice and put string up to it. next year you may want to change it when it wants to grow more. Ether way you will figure it out I am sure :p
Best to limit number of shoots to 3 or 4 Tony, however being a first year plant, it will more likely be putting its effort into growing a larger rhizome than trying to produce flowers.

My second and third year plants are sending up 10+ shoots per plant - I trimmed them all back to 4 or so of the stronger bines.
Let all shoots grow. They should love the lattice, though I have only grown on strings, it would be good if there is light on both sides. They are basically a weed and the POR we know is from here, so it should not be too far from what you might be expecting. Give it mulch, water and fertiliser before summer kicks in and you have to scale back to stop the lush tips being incinerated.
damn thats going better then my one and its been in the ground since may lol. I think its been trowing roots as the leaves was going brown a little and no growth last week or so, but today there is new leaves formed they wasnt there yesterday.
I love growing my own hops. What I want to know is has anyone tried top grow their own 2 row barley!!