Mount Tamborine Micro For Sale?

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MT brewery has never brewed a Hefe... nor has any or will any of their beers be available in Dan Murphys
Must have it confused with another beer/brewery.
Burleigh Brewing at a guess.

Cheers, Andrew.
As some one has had a bit of involvement with both breweries ;) I feel that I can safely say that to the best of my knowledge neither brewery is for sale.
.... unless something has changed dramatically in the last 36 hrs.
Both breweries are going quite well, MTB in particular is going an absolute gangbuster in trade....
I will confirm the non sale of both breweries on Monday and will post back on this thread only if I am wrong about the sale,

perhaps the OP was mistaken by the location and in fact meant the recently sold Northern Rivers Brewery.... also not far from the Gold Coast but over the border in NSW.
Ian I think the OP story was twisted around a bit, the rumour going around is that YOU'RE up for sale. :p
Thanks Ian, would hate to see either (or any for that matter!) brewery sold :)

Love your beers BTW

I'm not suggesting Burleigh Brewing is for sale, just that that was probably the hefe that Butters tasted (and confirmed by Muckey).

Cheers, Andrew.

P.S. I checked my brewery this morning and it is still where I left it on Friday. :p
yeah, he's confused it with the burleigh brewing hefe - too many different beers in 1 session gets them all confused :lol:

as butters remarked, we both discussed and noted the extra carbonation due to it being bottle is a fact of life for bottled beers
Unfortunate for those of us who like their english styles through a beer engine.

I have to say beersom, I thouroughly enjoyed all of your beers that I tried and wholeheartedly recommend to anyone who is or will be in the vacinity to drop by and try them - well worth the effort.
Cheers Muckey!
I remember your visit and am glad you enjoyed, more of the range is bottled now ... with better labels too :)
I have left the brewery now but am still working as a consultant to them.....and belive me they have some very exciting brews planned including a special first anniversary beer!
Ian I think the OP story was twisted around a bit, the rumour going around is that YOU'RE up for sale. :p

Contract HB services??? :p Might be a bit pricey for most of us mere mortals...
You're getting confused (which isn't hard for me. :lol: )...Having a look at the empty, it is Burleigh...

@ beersom, yeah, you're right, bottled versions are always higher in carb. What I said wasn't meant as a criticism, as such, but more of an observation.....the beer itself was great. One of the better Bitters I've had out here. As a Yorkshireman myself, I was well satisfied with the bitter. Luverly drop.
Ian I think the OP story was twisted around a bit, the rumour going around is that YOU'RE up for sale. :p
Mate, that is a rumour that I can confirm.
I am for sale!
all enquiries via pm please :lol:

... Burleigh hefe makes sense..... nice lil beer.
PM Sent Ian......................

Do you brew on demand?????


Butters - no worries. It a little confusing when you're not in the state the brewery is. Burleigh is about 35 - 40 mins drive from MT. Bloody great beers from both Ian and Brennan however :) But, I may be biased as I did some work at Burleigh Brewing (Sexy Brewers Here I'm on the Left, with Geoff Tewierick, Pocketbeers, Brennan from BBC, and Troydo) :p

Ian - didn't know you'd left! What are you up to now???? Feel free to repeat via PM if you don't want the answer aired here!

Ian - didn't know you'd left! What are you up to now???? Feel free to repeat via PM if you don't want the answer aired here!

Thought it was common knowledge amongst the QLD folk...
I am currently doing a few hrs a week for the platform bar amongst a few consultancy projects....
as for longer term, well, you will all just have to wait and see :D
As I said earlier I am still consulting to MTB.... just no longer an employee. I have done a few brews for them since I left and have 3 variations of the 1st anniversary beer maturing at home.... can't say what it is yet but it does involve the numbers 3,7,8 and 7

oh... and yes I am available for HB services. :blink:

edit for edits sake
Thought it was common knowledge amongst the QLD folk...
I am currently doing a few hrs a week for the platform bar amongst a few consultancy projects....
as for longer term, well, you will all just have to wait and see :D
As I said earlier I am still consulting to MTB.... just no longer an employee. I have done a few brews for them since I left and have 3 variations of the 1st anniversary beer maturing at home.... can't say what it is yet but it does involve the numbers 3,7,8 and 7

oh... and yes I am available for HB services. :blink:

edit for edits sake


Wyeast 3787 - Trappist High Gravity - Manufactured 8th June 2009
Produces intense esters and phenolic characteristics with complex fruitiness. Does not produce significant amount of iso-amyl acetate (banana esters) or bubble gum esters typical of many yeast of this style. Phenol and ester production are influenced by fermentation temperatures. Phenols tend to dissipate as beer matures. This type of yeast benefits from incremental feeding of sugars during fermentation, making suitable conditions for doubles and triples, to ferment to dryness. True top cropping yeast with broad temperature range. Origin:
Flocculation: Medium-High
Attenuation: 74-78%
Temperature Range: 64-78F, 18-25C
Alcohol Tolerance: 12% ABV

:unsure: CB
Thought it was common knowledge amongst the QLD folk...
I am currently doing a few hrs a week for the platform bar amongst a few consultancy projects....
as for longer term, well, you will all just have to wait and see :D
As I said earlier I am still consulting to MTB.... just no longer an employee. I have done a few brews for them since I left and have 3 variations of the 1st anniversary beer maturing at home.... can't say what it is yet but it does involve the numbers 3,7,8 and 7

oh... and yes I am available for HB services. :blink:

edit for edits sake

HELL YEAH!!! :chug: :super:
Thought it was common knowledge amongst the QLD folk...

Well, maybe amongst those who frequent BABBs, or who are within 2 1/2 hrs drive of this city... :unsure:

oh... and yes I am available for HB services. :blink:

Very good. Chappo asks if you have a Gimp suit or wether he should supply one.


Good to hear you're doing well. Will hug you at the next "hug a brewer"event for sure (Chappo has given me some tips).

Ian are you going to be at BABBs July meeting? My Aussie Sparkling that never made it into your own comp is now well bottled and drunkable and I'd love your opinion.



AHB Bulk Buy of Aussie Pro Brewers :p

Put your hand up bitches :p
I don't know the OP from the proverbial bar of soap and I'm sure he's a fine upstanding sort of guy. However according to his profile he joined a couple of years ago and didn't start posting until recently. Doesn't even seem to be brewing although he did mention that he distils in his first post. Nothing offensive about his posts but I would guess Chappo checked him out as well, decided he was trolling and did a shock and awe response to cut him off at the knees. Certainly the 'rumour' coming from someone with a self declared ignorance of brewing (he has asked a lot of questions in his various posts, willingly answered by forum members) could be construed as mischevious.

My 2c, and maybe MM has some firm references re possible sale.

So you guys have started you own splinter moderating group? How nice, just what we need. Honestly this Chappo guy can post what he likes, he is as free to make a complete dick of himself as the rest of us. Just don't try to dress up dickheadedness with some sort of higher purpose OK?
So you guys have started you own splinter moderating group? How nice, just what we need. Honestly this Chappo guy can post what he likes, he is as free to make a complete dick of himself as the rest of us. Just don't try to dress up dickheadedness with some sort of higher purpose OK?


Seriously Rumours like this can distroy a business can you guys see that???? I've seen it happen! The only dickhead is the one wanting to perpetuate the rumour, no?

BribieG and others thanks for the kind words of support but this really gets my goat up, it is this kind of rumour that can nail a business and the STAFF it employs to the wall. I also know the owners of both breweries and I am sure this kind of crap would be somewhat unsavoury to them as it is to me.


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