Mount Tamborine Micro For Sale?

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mt mellum

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Anybody know? heard a rumour that one of the two micros on Mount Tambourine (gold coast hinterland for the outta towners) was up for sale. only one of two micros in a tourist wine precinct.

and now to get the required sum from my ashtray change.
What a load of bull crap!

Post elsewhere if you want to stir up crap mate!

What a load of bull crap!

Post elsewhere if you want to stir up crap mate!


Thats means Yes your are correct and Chappo is Bidding for it on Ebay... :lol:

Sqyre.. ;)

EDIT: Actually No i dont know if there is one for sale... :huh:
Ok MrB I will!

I am sick and furkin tired of people wanting to stir up crap and rumours without base. It's malicious and down right rude when they can't even get off their own ass and do something for themselves and put their nuts on the line. Gone start your own business and put you family and everything you hold dear on the line every single day and tell me how easy you have it?

Oh yeah, Chappo in full flight! It's a sight to behold!
And it's all good... :D :lol:

I wouldn't have a clue about the micros for sale.
As a retired chappy, I'm not interested in starting a new career. I'm too busy in my retirement. ^_^

Edit: Spelling suffers a bit at this time of night. Good night, bye bye time for me.
I didn't think this forum was for abuse & vulgarity, I actually thought this site was moderated, seems I was wrong. It always amazes me how big & bold people grow from the safety of a keyboard.

It would be a shame if one of these micro's was up for sale, but then it does get a chance under new ownership or in a new location.
Just a thought
whats going on here? the original poster just asked anyone to confirm a rumor about a micro being sold, and he gets flamed like this?
whats going on here? the original poster just asked anyone to confirm a rumor about a micro being sold, and he gets flamed like this?

It is called a downhill slide & this site/forum has been headed in that direction for quite some time now.
It is called a downhill slide & this site/forum has been headed in that direction for quite some time now.

My whole life has been on a downhill slide since I met Chap Chap. :D I also blame Ross too :lol:
I don't know the OP from the proverbial bar of soap and I'm sure he's a fine upstanding sort of guy. However according to his profile he joined a couple of years ago and didn't start posting until recently. Doesn't even seem to be brewing although he did mention that he distils in his first post. Nothing offensive about his posts but I would guess Chappo checked him out as well, decided he was trolling and did a shock and awe response to cut him off at the knees. Certainly the 'rumour' coming from someone with a self declared ignorance of brewing (he has asked a lot of questions in his various posts, willingly answered by forum members) could be construed as mischevious.

My 2c, and maybe MM has some firm references re possible sale.
:lol: :lol:

Is the beer any good @ Mt Tamborine.
Is the beer any good @ Mt Tamborine.
Muckey brought some of the Mt T beers back to Adelaide with him, after his last trip to Qld, and yes, the beers are (at least imo...and it is only opinion) quite good. The Heffe is also available down here at Dan's, and whilst Heffe isn't normally my cuppa tea, I've had a few....don't know if it's "right" (in massively big inverted commas), but I like it. In fact, I bought one just the other day, to be going on with.

The only issue I had with the Bitter was that it was a bit over-carbed for a bitter.....but, being a realist, I understand that, as a commercial enterprise, they need to cater somewhat to the local (ie Australian :lol: ) demand, and not everyone likes the carbonation so all is forgiven. You can please all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, and all that...

I didn't get to try the schartz (sp?), but I had (a homebrewed) one the other day that Muckey said tasted very, very similar to the Mt T one. I liked that one a lot. (again, couldn't say if it's "right", but a good beer.)

And my earlier question to Chapchap was rhetorical :lol:
In a word haysie, yes. I have only had the pleasure once and enjoyed my visit to both breweries. Go to this little linky

The katya is to die for. :icon_drool2:
FFS, let's go completely crazy and think that Chappo of all people would make a post in that vein SERIOUSLY... (can see how those who do not know the man personally may take offense, but if you've ever met him, NOTHING is outside the realms of piss-taking!)!

C'mon guys, we're all here for serious discussion AND fun. Chappo has probably been a little harsh on the OP, but really, who joins a forum and doesn't post for 12 months plus?

Anywho, having multiple AIPA's in the honor of AHB, it's brewers, and Australia's Biggest Brew Day 2009...(Anyone want to trip to Kingaroy that weekend?????)


PS: Henno - Indeed , Katya is a sultry seductress...... Fark Knows how I made it home from the last Beer & Brewer function at the platform bar in Brissy... (Perhaps the fact that the bar is right at the train station has something to do with it.........! :ph34r:)
Thanks for the review Butters & Henno.
Now on my "must try list" next visit to Dan`s.
As for the brewery sale thing and the OP, I cant see what all the fuss is about. Nevermind, I found the biffo amusing.
Muckey brought some of the Mt T beers back to Adelaide with him, after his last trip to Qld, and yes, the beers are (at least imo...and it is only opinion) quite good. The Heffe is also available down here at Dan's, and whilst Heffe isn't normally my cuppa tea, I've had a few....don't know if it's "right" (in massively big inverted commas), but I like it. In fact, I bought one just the other day, to be going on with.

The only issue I had with the Bitter was that it was a bit over-carbed for a bitter.....
MT brewery has never brewed a Hefe... nor has any or will any of their beers be available in Dan Murphys
Must have it confused with another beer/brewery.

...The bottled bitter was at 2.5 volumes of carbonation. More than traditional cask I know but that was meant to be a contempary take on the style and was at the same co2 volume as the keg beer- most bottled beer is carbonated slightly higher than the draught equiv

Glad you enjoyed.
Butters - you may be confusing MT with Burleigh Brewing - their hef is bloody fantastic!

Ian - So, any truth to the rumours or is it all BS???? Straight from the Brewer's Mouth, so to speak.....


PS: Ian - Your Yippy IPA served Via Beer Engine was FARKIN' FANTASTIC on last visit (after the BABBs Eagle Heights Brew Day) - And I was hungover as hell and still had two glasses! :D
yeah, he's confused it with the burleigh brewing hefe - too many different beers in 1 session gets them all confused :lol:

as butters remarked, we both discussed and noted the extra carbonation due to it being bottle is a fact of life for bottled beers
Unfortunate for those of us who like their english styles through a beer engine.

I have to say beersom, I thouroughly enjoyed all of your beers that I tried and wholeheartedly recommend to anyone who is or will be in the vacinity to drop by and try them - well worth the effort.
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