Monash University Brewing Club

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Are there any Monash students around here that are interested in brewing beer? Im in the process of starting a new brewing club at Monash Uni and Im trying to gauge student interest.

Also does anyone else have experience with brewing clubs at universities? I'd love to hear from you about your experiences so that I have a platform to launch this new club! In particular does anyone have experience brewing at university facilities? Im in talks with some of the engineering departments about using their labs so that those who dont have equipment at home can still brew, and I want to know how you dealt with the faculty about the safety issues.

-Michael :)
I know two people who are brewers & both work for Monash Uni. One of them deals with safety issues. You might want to start there?
Yeah that would be fantastic, especially with student safety being one of the key barriers to starting the club!
Are they lecturers/researchers?

translation = DASFFS :unsure:

Need a translation of that translation.

Reminds me of:
And Coleridge too has lately taken wing,
       But like a hawk encumbered with his hood,
     Explaining metaphysics to the nation.
     I wish he would explain his explanation.
Good luck, I've had no experience but I'm sure folks in other clubs at the uni will be able to help you. If Monash has members of the Society for Creative Anachronism or other medieval recreationists chat to them, they always seem to harbour a few whacky mead-makers.
Well I did do a search for brewing books and articles at the uni library :p didnt get many hits though

yeah with O'week coming up soon I'll probably wander around and have a chat to other clubs about how they got started. On another note I heard back from the chem eng department and they are considering letting us use their RIMS system that they have from some labs last year! Hopefully can convince them so our members can brew and study at the same time!
There's a few chemical engineering students who work at U-Brew it, Oakleigh. It's all malt-extract, but they may be able to hook up something through UBI.
toncils said:
There's a few chemical engineering students who work at U-Brew it, Oakleigh. It's all malt-extract, but they may be able to hook up something through UBI.
Oh dear...
Spiesy said:
Oh dear...
toncils said:
There's a few chemical engineering students who work at U-Brew it, Oakleigh. It's all malt-extract, but they may be able to hook up something through UBI.
Stay away from that Shiat .. u will get bombed
mahcann said:
Well I did do a search for brewing books and articles at the uni library :p didnt get many hits though

yeah with O'week coming up soon I'll probably wander around and have a chat to other clubs about how they got started. On another note I heard back from the chem eng department and they are considering letting us use their RIMS system that they have from some labs last year! Hopefully can convince them so our members can brew and study at the same time!
They don't have a rims system LOL... just a 3V,, did a prac with them a few times
I reckon this would be a great idea, assuming you can get past the paperwork. It would be a great opportunity to make some contacts and, if you wanted to jump through the licensing hoops (or go around them somehow), I'd imagine you could get contracts to cater university functions. It would be great experience.

Adding: You might find some advice on The yanks love their college clubs, and their college drinking.
Grainer said:
They don't have a rims system LOL... just a 3V,, did a prac with them a few times
Ah well I only had a glimpse at it when I went into see my friend do the prac, still better than nothing!

carpedaym said:
I reckon this would be a great idea, assuming you can get past the paperwork. It would be a great opportunity to make some contacts and, if you wanted to jump through the licensing hoops (or go around them somehow), I'd imagine you could get contracts to cater university functions. It would be great experience.
Yeah that would be pretty good, but would probably be a nightmare of regulations and paperwork. What kind of certification do you think would be required to brew for events?

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