Mmm....Is the Gov starting to crackdown on distilling ?

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spog said:
Data matching would be how they catch people , living beyond your means...gotcha.

the rule goes if you get paid in cash you spend it as cash... no data to match then
Unless you start discussing it on the internet in which case, anything goes.
Good metaphor for the government.
Rather take a bullet than give up the loot.
The Austalian Productivity Commission ( which I'm pretty sure isn't a lefty wing organisation ) has questioned the rush to FTAs, and the secrecy involved. From their website

Preferential trade agreements add to the complexity and cost of international trade through substantially different sets of rules of origin, varying coverage of services and potentially costly intellectual property protections and investor-state dispute settlement provisions.
  • The emerging and growing potential for trade preferences to impose net costs on the community presents a compelling case for the final text of an agreement to be rigorously analysed before signing. Analysis undertaken for the Japan-Australia agreement reveals a wide and concerning gap compared to the Commission's view of rigorous assessment.
For our part, we vote in a party to lead us, we have to put our trust in that party to do the right thing for Australia and its people, which is what I am sure they do, K Rudd was a more than willing participant to sign up to these agreements, so it is not a left or right matter (apart from Gillard). Do you not think that the government lawyers and economic experts have not checked everything out, and whatever agreements we sign it is the same for all signatories.
Depends on whether our esteemed leaders actually have our interests at heart, and who the 'our' actually is. My observation over the last 15 years or so has been that the higher up the financial food chain you are, the more likely you are to really benefit from the majority of these decisions made. Of all these great initiatives, agreements and benefits, I have yet to see one which benefits in any way the fella down the bottom. It's my belief that these days the primasry concern is making sure share prices (high end shares) and 'the economy' are the major beneficiary of such decisions, and Joe Blow down the bottom is flat out affording one share from a bank or big miner, let alone a whole bloody portfolio. And physical assets (houses in particular) have been moved slowly but surely out of the hands of the same Joe Blow and on up the food chain, and due to the proliferation in non-full time jobs with commensarate decline in full time jobs, he ain't ever gonna ****ing get another one.

Still :D , I haven't owned a water purifier in a long time so the current interest in such equipment isn't of real interest to me.
So have they made a decision on the legaity of selling stills yet....
wide eyed and legless said:
For our part, we vote in a party to lead us, we have to put our trust in that party to do the right thing for Australia and its people, which is what I am sure they do, K Rudd was a more than willing participant to sign up to these agreements, so it is not a left or right matter (apart from Gillard). Do you not think that the government lawyers and economic experts have not checked everything out, and whatever agreements we sign it is the same for all signatories.
This post is missing something, about 10 Australian flags in the background maybe

I had a "targeted" youtube ad served up about this just last week... seems there probably is some kind of crack down.

Funny, I have a massive spirits collection, mainly due to the fact that I hardly drink it. However, the gov't has made sweet FA off me coz 90% of it is duty free haha.
madpierre06 said:
Depends on whether our esteemed leaders actually have our interests at heart, and who the 'our' actually is. My observation over the last 15 years or so has been that the higher up the financial food chain you are, the more likely you are to really benefit from the majority of these decisions made. Of all these great initiatives, agreements and benefits, I have yet to see one which benefits in any way the fella down the bottom. It's my belief that these days the primasry concern is making sure share prices (high end shares) and 'the economy' are the major beneficiary of such decisions, and Joe Blow down the bottom is flat out affording one share from a bank or big miner, let alone a whole bloody portfolio. And physical assets (houses in particular) have been moved slowly but surely out of the hands of the same Joe Blow and on up the food chain, and due to the proliferation in non-full time jobs with commensarate decline in full time jobs, he ain't ever gonna ****ing get another one.

Still :D , I haven't owned a water purifier in a long time so the current interest in such equipment isn't of real interest to me.
We have to look after the investors, otherwise no investment means no jobs, you have to look further than, 'what's in it for me'
A buoyant economy is important, investment coming into Australia is important, more investment equals more jobs, living with a negative outlook will keep Joe Blow down at the bottom. Investors take risks, the higher the risk the bigger the prize but failure is also means a big loss, its a chance the investor takes.
Beats hiding a shekel under a rock.
wide eyed and legless said:
I take care of myself, and I can do it far better than any union could ever do.

wide eyed and legless said:
you have to look further than, 'what's in it for me'
wide eyed and legless said:
We have to look after the investors, otherwise no investment means no jobs, you have to look further than, 'what's in it for me'
A buoyant economy is important, investment coming into Australia is important, more investment equals more jobs, living with a negative outlook will keep Joe Blow down at the bottom. Investors take risks, the higher the risk the bigger the prize but failure is also means a big loss, its a chance the investor takes.
Beats hiding a shekel under a rock.

There was a time when there were plenty of jobs, no investors required. Just people who started up a business and made a few dollars, they were able to employ people who then had reasonable disposable income, could buy a hbouse, go on holidays etc. Then thanks to the wonder of being included in a 'world market', whatever the heck that means, we get to see a lot of those businesses in specific areas of business type go under due to not being able to compete with overseas entities. Those same entities now wanting to invest here. You don't necessarily have to have a negative attitude to see what is happening in real terms to people who are simply having a tough enough time of it that barely surviving is as much as they can do each and every bloodyt day, let alone trying to find the energy to consider how they might improve their lot in life. Being shunted from casual job to casual job via labour agencies, then trying to keep their sanity and their family together under the pressure that is on them...I don't wonder that trying to claw themselves off the bottom is just a bit too much harder than they can handle on any given day.

And don't get me wrong, I have nothing against those who do give it a go...but there are so many things now going on which make it so much bloody harder for someone to improve their lot in life. Trust me, I've ****ing been there and there are days when it is all you can do to simply make the decision to keep yourself alive.

And I agree with your statement regarding needing to look forward from "what's in it for me"....trouble is, so many govt. decisions actually have 'nothing in it for me' when you might reasonably expect a little something back given the amount of money they take off you.

I still find it astonishing the number of people who publicly out themselves, their stills, and how they are using them with no prudence whatsoever.

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