Merry Xmas And Hoppy New Beer

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Someone had to start the ball rolling - so it might as well be me.

Its less than a week til the fat guy comes....Heres a thread for all our Xmas messages

Wishing all the brewers a great xmas.

It was might last Xmas break that I started brewing. Thanks to everyone that has posted something I have learnt from (which is just about everyone). Thanks to anyone that has replied to any of my dumb questions .

Thanks to this forum I have found, joined and made new mates at the Melbourne Brewers. Cheers to all those guys

Have a great Xmas and may all you brews be good ones in the new year.

Cheers Paul
Someone had to start the ball rolling - so it might as well be me.

Its less than a week til the fat guy comes....Heres a thread for all our Xmas messages

Wishing all the brewers a great xmas.

It was might last Xmas break that I started brewing. Thanks to everyone that has posted something I have learnt from (which is just about everyone). Thanks to anyone that has replied to any of my dumb questions .

Thanks to this forum I have found, joined and made new mates at the Melbourne Brewers. Cheers to all those guys

Have a great Xmas and may all you brews be good ones in the new year.

Cheers Paul

AWWWW! Doesnt it just make you all warm and fuzzy...... Merry Xmas Paul!
AWWWW! Doesnt it just make you all warm and fuzzy...... Merry Xmas Paul!

Warm and Fuzzy....Nah.

After I posted I realised the OP is just waiting for some humorous, smutty and funny responses to the "5 days til the fat man comes" line.

Bring on the Xmas innuendo....
yeah merry xmas all! hope all the brewing over the festive session pays off. Wish I was spending it at home so I could catch up but hey will try do 2 before I leave then one straight when I get back so means I will be ahead still, just have to buy something when I am away :(.

Cheers to all thats helped me and cheers to all that haven't :p best beer forum around I think.

best wishes for 2011

May every brew you make stay infection free,

... and be tasty as it can be!

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to all! :party:
Merry Xmas everyone.
Hoppy Xmas and a Yeasty New Year all.

I hope Santa's sack is laden with Stainless Steel brewbling for all, failing that, just get plastered! :cheers:

Merry Christmas brewers!
All the best festive seasons wishes to all on the forum!

Big thanks to the guys with the knowhow who have had the patience to answer all our newby questions throughout the year even though they have done it a dozen times before. My transition to AG brewing, (although only onto my third brew), has been a breeze so far purely from the knowledge and support generated from this forum. For those of us not in easy reach of the brewing club areas or decent brew shops the forum is a lifeline.

A bit of a plug for a couple of the suppliers, Ross at craftbrewer and the guys at a Beerbelly, thanks for the great gear, service and advice, I know its your business but there are plenty of us happy customers out there that appreciate what you do and provide us for our hobby.

Looking forward to the Xmas break particularly the Boxing day cricket will be enjoying the rewards of my labor with a few: Belgium Cherry Ales, Nelson/Simcoe IPA, German Wheat (first AG), with a Dr Smurto Landlord to bottle if the krauser ever decides to drop!

Love this hobby, might be a bit obsessed?....Cheers to all!!!!!!!!!!
The big one tomorrow brewers ! Have a very Merry Christmas and a Hoppy New Year.


Four new kegs on tap for the day, bar opens early.

Here's wishing everyone of the AHB community a Happy and Safe Christmas.

A XXXX Bitter Clone on tap - gateway beer for the inexperienced homebrew drinkers visiting over Christmas. And a keg of Samuel Smith's Old Brewery Bitter for good beer lovers, this one is my best UK Bitters yet. Should keep the hordes happy along with 6 other kegs of assorted beers :lol:

Cheers All,

Just wanting to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year.

May you get all the brew bling you wished for, may your starters all fire and NO infections afflict your brews!

Have a great one everyone!
Take it easy everyone (on the roads that is). Love this time of the year cos it means holidays, homebrew and wakeboarding B)

Merry Christmas