Melbourne Grain Bulk Buy - May 10

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$$$ transferred.

Stubbie, a good idea to let everyone know your start & end time for Sat 15th pickups. (ie. 9am-5pm or something that suits your schedule)
We wouldn't want to be getting you out of bed or anything. And I'm sure a few will be pretty eager to get in early.

Many thanks for organising this, as mentioned previously it couldn't have come at a better time for me.

until somone creates a doco in office 2010. :rolleyes:

not wanting to hijack this thread and turn it into some kind of computer nerd porn party but i believe that office 2007 is compatible with 2010 without any need for a patch and that 2003 with the compatibility pack will open 2010 docs as it does 2007 docs

anyway enough of that - need to get back to day dreaming about bathing in my maris otter mash bath



The following have made their payments:

4. ampy
5. Manticle
14. Razz
15. HoppingMad
16. Leigh
17. Mitternacht Brauer

Rye split is gone.

I was going to advise preferred pick up timings as we neared the 15th, but seeing HoppingMad has provided a reminder: I'm pretty flexible, but suppose I'd rather get most of it out of the way during the morning. Say, 8:30 to 12:30pm or thereabouts.


BCP and Razz will be pleased to know that, according to Ross, Cryer will be unpacking a container of Dingeman's malt this very week. Talk about perfect timing. At least you know your Dingemans Pils malt hasn't been sitting in Cryer's warehouse for yonks.

Someone else is picking up my grain (no vehicle) but I should still be there for a beer and a chat and to say cheers.
All paid stubbie.

Anyone who im splitting with can you send me your bank details and i will transfer you the cash. :icon_cheers:
hey mate,

that $$ is on the way to you now. it will be $63 ($54 for the maris otter and $9 for the 5kg of rye) and the reference is christmasbender.

see you next week.

cheers - rory
I use 48L rectangular plastic containers for my grains. About $12 from bunnings.

I just picked up a few Kmart homemaker 53L tubs for $8 each, they hold the 25kg bags no problem at all (they also do a 60l for $12)

Gonna go back and get 1/2 dozen more and get organised this afternoon. May even brew some beer
I just picked up a few Kmart homemaker 53L tubs for $8 each, they hold the 25kg bags no problem at all (they also do a 60l for $12)

Gonna go back and get 1/2 dozen more and get organised this afternoon. May even brew some beer

might have to do the same. Are they a special price?
Paid. Thanks for setting this up. Unfortunately i get off an all-night flight at 10am next saturday, driving across melbourne is a risk to the general safety of the public when i'm that jetlagged, so Razz will grab my grain.