Matilda Bay Sebastian Thoughts.

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Hey guys.

Well came across the Matilda Bay Sabastian a few weeks ago and decided to go it last night.

I really liked it . Was wishing i had some nice pork to eat with it . i think it would of gone perfect.

just wondering if you guys had tried it and what you thaught of it.

Cheers Vice.
Fixed the spelling in the title for you so this thread comes up in searches.

I haven't tried it myself, and am only mildly curious. Am I the only one who doesn't like Alpha Pale Ale, Beez Neez, Redback and Rooftop Red?
I haven't tried it myself, and am only mildly curious. Am I the only one who doesn't like Alpha Pale Ale, Beez Neez, Redback and Rooftop Red?

no your not.... Beez Neez is horrible...

I will drink Redback if I have to.
Tried it at the Australian beer festival and at B&T. Both times it tasted slightly infected to me.
Hrmm im not a fan of most there stuff. I do like the alpha tho.. only had it once.

I did think this was good tho.. supprised no ones really tried it.
I have had two bottles and quite enjoyed the first one shortly after it was released.

I had my second a couple/three weeks ago --even posted a picture in the what's in the glass thread -- but was disappointed. There was a sour almost lactic twang to it and it had lost a lot of body and aroma.


Just discovered this beer (at Transport in Melbourne) and its a real odd one. It said 'hefeweizen' on the tap orange tap head, then they poured it and I thought they had delivered the wrong beer to me by mistake.

I almost yelled to the bartender 'Hey I didn't order guinness!' then I took a sip. It turns out this beer is a dunkelweizen! (dark wheat beer) Liked it, it's quite unusual, but not the sort of thing you want to drink on a hot day in my opinion. Went back to drinking a couple of pale ales straight after. Come the cooler months I reckon you could get into it, but not the climate right now.

Fixed the spelling in the title for you so this thread comes up in searches.

I haven't tried it myself, and am only mildly curious. Am I the only one who doesn't like Alpha Pale Ale, Beez Neez, Redback and Rooftop Red?
Why not fix all the spelling in the title while you're at it!

Alpha and fat yak are nice but agree on the rest.

Cheers, Andrew.
I hate Beez Neez with a passion - love Alpha Pale ale & am reasonably keen on most other MB beers

The Sebastian is getting old - it took a few months to settle down after it was first released, needed time to smooth out - but its had that in spades by now and is starting to get noticeably oxidised and lost its real "pop" some time ago.

I also think its getting a little acetic - or it could just be a little lactic tang combined with the oxidation that reminds me of rodenbach - and I have noticed that this has happened with other MB special releases like the Grayston and the MB21

Its still nice beer and I have one when I go to Transport - but its on its way downhill
Tried it last year at the Sydney Beer festival

Thought it was a nice beer dark beer
but as a dunkel it was pretty average.

Ill stick to the Franizskanner when I order a dunkel.
I like this beer, but I think that the lactic character was intentional and it is part of the attraction. I think that is significantly different to the typical dunkelweizen flavours, which tend to be creamier to me.

I like this, the Bohemian Pilsner and the Apha Offerings from MB.
Ill stick to the Franizskanner when I order a dunkel.

:icon_cheers: Franziskeiner is a top drop. Not sure how you spell it but I like it way better than the Sebastian!

Hadn't thought about the 'lactic' taste in Sebastian but come to think of it, it did taste slightly sour/spicy - was really odd. Good on Matilda Bay trying to challenge a few taste buds out there, but this beer is so weird even for us adventurous types I reckon it might struggle to find a happy audience.

Why not fix all the spelling in the title while you're at it!

Alpha and fat yak are nice but agree on the rest.

Cheers, Andrew.

Hey, three months on and I have!

I'll be trying Fat Yak at the Taphouse tomorrow (if I get there before the Barons crowd). Haven't seen it anywhere in the Illawarra backwater. From TB's comments, if they have the Sebastian in bottles, might just let it go.
Hey, three months on and I have!

Actually tried this tonight (bottle from Dan Murphys) and it tasted nothing like a dunkelweizen; the promised chocolate, caramel, banana and toffee were all absent and all you can taste is the lactic twang.

I think TB was right that it is way past it's best, could think of better ways to spend $17 of beer money IMHO.

Cheers, Andrew.
Yeah have to agree, i was all excited when i saw this beer at Dan's about 4 weeks ago, and to be honest, i thought i'd never do this i couldn't finish it and tipped the rest of the bottle out. It had a real oxidised twang with no dunkelweizen flavour at all, Wasn't happy :icon_vomit:
I bought one yesterday without reading this thread first. :(

I hope I get a totally different experience from you guys.
and I bought one today aswell!!!

Oh well, we will see how it goes...
Where in NSW did you find it

Even tho it might not be the greatest I still want to get a bottle as a bit of a keepsake

Named my son
Dan Murphys - Penrtih. it just a singular bottle, on its own...

not happy I bought it now after all the negative feedback...

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