Manual Wort Pump - Anyone Got Ideas ?

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So before I go out and purchase a March Pump does any one have any wacky ways to pump hot wort from kettle to fermenter - other than gravity feed.

I need to ask the question and get answers of "" you idiot"" before SHMBO will let me go out and buy a pump.

No there's absolutely no way other than Gravity or a March Pump, you idiot :angry:

Now go buy a March Pump ^_^
you could use a peristaltic pump - they are just a bit more expensive than a march pump
well i dunno about you guys but there are all these manual pumps :D - Probably the best of the lot you can usually change the diaphram out for all different grades of rubber. Can get manual, this is pneumatic :p - good old manual bildge pump.. not sure on the rubber grade though and the temp it could handle - here ya go with a simple rotary hand pump.....

work time .. Tom

edit: spelling
In my limited experience you only need one story of almost doing your back or droppping an esky/HLT full of near boiling sparge water on yourself to get approval for a decent pump.
I use this as my manual method

Inflatable mattress pump. I connect tubing to the tap on the fermenter and suck air out of the airlock hole. I use it to start a siphon but it should work just as well between the fermenter and kettle on the same level (but my pump is a tad loud)

Also a march pump is definitely going to be less fiddily in the long term "you idiot!" ... hope that helps.

Got a few ou idiot"responses there. That should do it.

Now the next question is SS quick disconnects??

If you are going to the expense of buying a March Pump to pump hot wort into your fermentor why not skip the March Pump and buy a plate chiller. At least your beer is being better looked after.
Yes I know a lot of people "no-chill" and I am sure that they are happy with the result and I know you won't get botulism OK...


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