Manly Brewer Breaks Wine Circle

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Could this be the thin edge of the wedge?


I sure hope they only let wine produced in Manly to be served there too, and out of a shoe, to be drunk with a straw.

Surely by now they would have realised that craft beer has a legitimate place along side fine food and wine? At least its a start but i still cant stop thinking the Manly council are a bunch of tossers.
What else can you expect from a system of 19th century councils that should have been amalgamated last centruy, like Brisbane. Here's a major World City run along Mexican lines with their little tin pot generalissimos strutting around like mini Premiers.
Happened around here as well, with the 3 councils to the North of Brisbane, Pine Rivers, Redcliffe and Caboolture, each with their little strutting pea-brains working out how to heap yet more misery on the population. Typical was the appalling Mayor of Pine Rivers, Yvonne Chapman who conducted a hate campaign against gays and single mothers, and had all the toilet doors removed from public conveniences so that acts of buggery could not occur. Anyway they got amalgamated against their will, and the new council seems to have settled down nicely.
....had all the toilet doors removed from public conveniences so that acts of buggery could not occur.

So that's why George Michael cancelled his Brisbane Concert?
council are tossers alright. from the story

As well as restricting beer sales to those made by locals, the council has imposed 15 conditions on any participants, including that the beer must be sold in polystyrene containers that contain no more than 150mL and be sold for $5 per serve.

A maximum of four plastic containers will be permitted for each sale.

way to kill sales.

i like th t-shirts they are wearing. and another chic brewer :icon_chickcheers:
What's more, the brewery is literally a hundred metres or so from where thestalls will be. Why would you pay $5 for 150ml in a plastic cup when you could go to the actual brewery, stand around amongst shiny stainless and sunshine, and drink a pint out of a glass for another $5...

I'm sure they will sell plenty of beer to passers, but seriously, the WHOLE point of these wine and food festivals is it gives wineries a chance to come to the city and show off their products. What is the point in allowing just local breweries to attend, when you could just go to the damn brewery instead! Typical Manly council shitting themselves about letting things get too boozy. But hmmm, they allow people to drink the same quantity of wine, for a similar price, yet wine is up to 3 times more alcoholic... Some consistency would do wonders to their credibility when it comes to "responsible" policies like this one...
Beer's only drank by bogans, don'tchaknow. What a crock.

....had all the toilet doors removed from public conveniences so that acts of buggery could not occur.
For real? <_<
LOL @ Nick JD.
More idiotic wine-biased-against-beer government bureaucracy if you ask me.
I doubt any of the wine is actually made the local area but they've served it happily for years, yet it's a big deal that now one brewer wants to show case their goods, and then they put restrictions on that anyway.
More idiotic wine-biased-against-beer government bureaucracy if you ask me.
I doubt any of the wine is actually made the local area but they've served it happily for years, yet it's a big deal that now one brewer wants to show case their goods, and then they put restrictions on that anyway.

That said, I guess we also need to remember it is a WINE and food festival, and always has been...
That said, I guess we also need to remember it is a WINE and food festival, and always has been...

But that is only because of the dogma that wine is the only accompaniment to fine food. Thats all changing now that we have beer with taste.
For real? <_<
LOL @ Nick JD.

Welcome to the banjo playin' state. At Roma Street Train station the gents toilets open off the main concourse and they have installed a public viewing window. So passers by (and Security of Course) can look in and see a row of stalls with feet and dropped pants. As long as there's only one pair of feet in each cubicle you're fine.
But that is only because of the dogma that wine is the only accompaniment to fine food. Thats all changing now that we have beer with taste.
And the fact that any food and wine festival worth it's salt will also have equipment stalls/demos, which are just as close to 'food and wine' as beer is. Semantics are for people who don't have any better arguments.
Oh no! People are going to get majorly drunk off 5% beer instead of wine at 12-15%. Gosh!

This is just further proof that the powers that be, the government etc, and the general public for that matter, simply don't understand the idea behind craft beer...drink less, drink better.
Craft or boutique wine is held in a much higher regard and people are generally willing to pay a good amount of money for well made, small scale wines, where alot of the cost is due to production and materials.
Craft beer on the otherhand, yeah we pay more for production and materials than the big breweries, and generally use better quality and more of certain things (ie hops and malts), but there's also that nice big slug of tax on top of that which makes the beer even more expensive. In the case of stronger beers, the consumer is paying almost the same amount for a bottle of beer and a bottle of wine...and then which would they rather buy?
What else can you expect from a system of 19th century councils that should have been amalgamated last centruy, like Brisbane. Here's a major World City run along Mexican lines with their little tin pot generalissimos strutting around like mini Premiers.
Happened around here as well, with the 3 councils to the North of Brisbane, Pine Rivers, Redcliffe and Caboolture, each with their little strutting pea-brains working out how to heap yet more misery on the population. Typical was the appalling Mayor of Pine Rivers, Yvonne Chapman who conducted a hate campaign against gays and single mothers, and had all the toilet doors removed from public conveniences so that acts of buggery could not occur. Anyway they got amalgamated against their will, and the new council seems to have settled down nicely.

Is she related to Chappo?
Im not sure where politics food and drink actually come together. What I do know is that back in the early 70s not many people in Australia knew that much about wine and food combinations.

If you know anything about wine you will cringe at the thought that Benean Moselle (spelling) was the most popular wine choice of the day, every one seemed to drink this with any food combination. Today the majority of people know at least a little bit about food and wine combinations. Thats because the wine industry has ploughed enough money into educated the Australian public about their products with food combinations.

The craft beer industry in Australia is just getting off the ground in regards to educating the general public about their products with food combinations and to me thats a beautiful thing. There will come a day where beer and food will be as popular as wine is today. The underlying problem at the moment is that the majority of beer drunk in Australia is looked at as the swilling yobos drink (no disrespect), I for one have been there, and I think for most of the beer drinking population it is just that.

The craft beer industry in this country is doing a great job because the brewers are passionate about what they do, we as home brewers know this and I think the message is filtering through.

As for blaming governments, well they didnt have much to do with the educating of the Australian public about wine, although they are responsible for the tax breaks the small wine producers get. But certainly not for the knowledge people in this country have about wine. I feel that over time beer will be as popular a choice with a select food as wine is today, but you already know that anyway. :icon_cheers:
Most bizarre...
I went to the Perth Food and Wine expo last year and there were 2 breweries there (Matso's Broome Brewery and another I can't remember).
I don't know what the story with Manly is.
council are tossers alright. from the story

As well as restricting beer sales to those made by locals, the council has imposed 15 conditions on any participants, including that the beer must be sold in polystyrene containers that contain no more than 150mL and be sold for $5 per serve.

A maximum of four plastic containers will be permitted for each sale.

way to kill sales.

i like th t-shirts they are wearing. and another chic brewer :icon_chickcheers:

I was pissed off by this when I read it yesterday, living in Manly Vale I am more than aware what a bunch of wankers Manly Council is, but who gives them the right to dictate how much a product from a private business is sold for. What happened to supply and demand? And why is beer going to create so many issues at their event when it is less than half the alcoholic content of wine?
Manly Council should be focusing trying to encourage a local business yet they seem to be doing everything in their power to hinder it. As for 4 Pines they are my local brew pub I love their beer and understand they want to get the word out about their range but under these conditions I feel they may be better off telling the council to stick their Wine festival up their a***!
Is she related to Chappo?

If they are then she got all the bad genes


She obviously was enraged by all the sex that gays and single mums were having, and she quite clearly wasn't.


I think the smile was photoshopped on, her usual demeanour was one of righteous indignation.
I just read in todays Manly Daily 4 Pines will no longer be serving beer at the Food & Wine festival due to the unworkable restrictions placed on them from Manly Council.