Low Carb Ideas

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I'm looking for a low carb beer based on a can

My LHBS has a box already made up from Brewcraft I think which is a copy of one of the Blonde low carb beers, however I would like to crack one myself.

Any ideas. This will be getting kegged
You can use a dry enzyme that breaks down the more complex sugars in to simple ones and hence gets fermented out, leaving a drier, lower carb beer, but in my experience the beer will taste like shite. You also need to make damn sure it's finished fermenting if bottling but seeings as though you're kegging it's not a massive drama.
You should be aware that making a good-tasting low-carb beer is difficult. Unfermented sugars in "standard" beers provide flavour, supplement bitterness and, most importantly, mask off-flavours.

With no residual malt (which is what a dry beer is), you should expect no malt flavour, you should aim for lower bitterness, and you should pitch a big dose of healthy yeast.
Yikes, maybe low carb beers need not exist. I think we should replace them with just a little less of the "good stuff".

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