Fellow brewers,
I need a bit of advice on a batch I have in secondary at the moment.
It's a basic 3Kg ESB Czech Pilsener dry hopped with extra 15g Saaz in primary and again when racked to secondary.
Used DCL 34/70 dry yeast supplied with kit
1 week primary then racked to secondary
It's been in secondary for just over 2 weeks now and I'm still getting airlock activity, very slow but still bubbling maybe once every 3/4 hour.
Temperature has been fairly constant with an average 18 degrees
SG seems to be stable at 1008 (which was lower than I was expecting!)
Is this brew still fermenting or is it infected? It smells and tastes OK.
Should I rack it again or just let it go? Should I just bottle it?
I'm fairly new to racking and my four other attempts worked out really well.
Any assistance greatly appreciated!
I need a bit of advice on a batch I have in secondary at the moment.
It's a basic 3Kg ESB Czech Pilsener dry hopped with extra 15g Saaz in primary and again when racked to secondary.
Used DCL 34/70 dry yeast supplied with kit
1 week primary then racked to secondary
It's been in secondary for just over 2 weeks now and I'm still getting airlock activity, very slow but still bubbling maybe once every 3/4 hour.
Temperature has been fairly constant with an average 18 degrees
SG seems to be stable at 1008 (which was lower than I was expecting!)
Is this brew still fermenting or is it infected? It smells and tastes OK.
Should I rack it again or just let it go? Should I just bottle it?
I'm fairly new to racking and my four other attempts worked out really well.
Any assistance greatly appreciated!