Lo Carb Drinkers Exploited

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I make a low carb beer, I say nothing at all about how it will effect your health - You decide for yourself that it is "better" for you and that you will buy it in preference to other beer...... Just exactly how is that me exploiting you?
If I (speaking as society) have an existing understanding that low carb anything is better for me than a high carb anything and then you go on to offer me a low carb alternative to something without explaining to me that the usual low carb benefits are not relevant here then one can make the fair assumption that you are inadvertently misleading me (but this is being pretty generous - it more likely that you are being a duplicitous, opportunistic prick).
... A miracle beer that can zap away the fat of a greasy late night snack? Now I'd like to see that ...

i'd call it kymba suprise - a magnesium rich apa. one schooner then SURPRISE!

but seriously if there was nothing tasty on offer i would much rather, and often do, drink a low carb beer over anything else. i find my senses are far less offended with a locarb than with anything else the font has to offer

ffs i know i'm being 'exploited' whenever i walk into a pub or bottleshop
I can only add to this discussion in reference to my brother. He, as a long time Tooheys New drinker (along with his friend/flatmate) switched to XXXX Low Carb.
At the "turnout" where I noticed the change he commented that drinking the XXXX didn't get him as drunk and he woke up clearer. He did think, that being low carb, gave him a health benefit as well. I disagreed and just said it's a marketing exercise to make you think that.
I don't know, I didn't read the label. my view is/was my own.
My bro is a bit of a sheeple type, I might add.
If we're talking a big night out for an average man, I'll consider myself below average. Maybe I'm just cheap - that's at least $90 over the bar where I drink those. I'll go home sober and track down something delicious.

Can I just post a screenshot of the last time this topic came up, and everyone's exact same responses? Where's AdamT these days anyways, he's usually the first to jump in on a thread like this.

Not sure what this has to do with the topic thou?

What if you went out for a night out to a mates place and took half a carton, thats about $30 worth...

and WTF has an average man kj intake got to do with a $ spending.. I really think your comment was just for the sake of posting crap.

back to topic...

I still wonder why anyone wants to drink something unneccessary, such as booze, that is made to be "easy to drink". Surely if your havin' a beer, you want to know your havin' a beer, if you dont like it you should try a different drink.

"I drink teds cos its easy to drink, " just makes me sad
When did people become so lost in these marketing gimicks, i like beer that tastes like "beer", and these days prefer to eat and drink foods that are minimally processed rather than low fat low carb, cause i reackon if they take out fat and carbs from foods they will have more than likely added a bucket load of sugar or something worse. When did people lose their common sense about food? my 2c.
From reading this thread I decided to try an experiment with high carb beer. I pitched 1056 in an APA yesterday & I've had 8 pints from the fermenter for science tonight. The high carb beer doesn't seem to have made me fatter but I now have 2 airlocks bubbling that aren't attached to my fermenter & I've got 8 pints less beer.
If I (speaking as society) have an existing understanding that low carb anything is better for me than a high carb anything and then you go on to offer me a low carb alternative to something without explaining to me that the usual low carb benefits are not relevant here then one can make the fair assumption that you are inadvertently misleading me (but this is being pretty generous - it more likely that you are being a duplicitous, opportunistic prick).

so - society has that understanding do they? and in order to market a product without duplicity - you have to educate the potential customer about their misunderstanding of the health benefits of other products unrelated to yours - and then not only fail to make any false claims about your own product, but head off at the pass any false assumptions that a potential customer might draw about it?

Now that sounds like bullshit to me. Shit - people sell bottled water and no one is suggesting that they should be obliged to tell their customers its no different to what comes out of the tap. Just so long as they don't tell them it is different, then the rest is up to the buyer.

People wanted - In fact people want .. low carb beers. Breweries supply them with the product that they want and make no claims about the product beyond its taste.

What is it you want them to actually do?

You wander up to the bar:
"Got any low carb beer mate?"
"Yeah I have - would you like one?"

What is my responsibility now? Do I serve you the beer that you want? Or am I morally obligated to make sure that you aren't buying it because you falsely believe it to be beneficial for your health?

Next thing you know Porsche will have to start writing letters to all their customers carefully explaining that no matter what they would prefer to believe - owning a fast, fancy car does not in fact compensate them for having a tiny willy.
so - society has that understanding do they?
Yes. That's pretty much what makes this a society - shared and assumed understandings that stop us from fighting each other in the streets (most of the time). [EDIT: I misread this bit - ignore my rhetoric and I apologise. But yeah, I'd say that an all too large section of society thinks that carbs = make fat.]

and in order to market a product without duplicity - you have to educate the potential customer about their misunderstanding of the health benefits of other products unrelated to yours - and then not only fail to make any false claims about your own product, but head off at the pass any false assumptions that a potential customer might draw about it?
May I ask how you got that from my post? I suggested nothing of the sort. It seems pretty clear to me that my point is that the megas have seen a vulnerability in the market and have dug a hole for us to willingly walk into. Just because it is our fault doesn't mean we deserve it.

Now that sounds like bullshit to me.
Good, because it is a deliberate misrepresentation of my point.

Shit - people sell bottled water and no one is suggesting that they should be obliged to tell their customers its no different to what comes out of the tap. Just so long as they don't tell them it is different, then the rest is up to the buyer.
No, just so long as they don't call it "Miracle Water" and have a picture of a cripple walking from a wheelchair as their logo.

People wanted - In fact people want .. low carb beers.
Not denying that. Show me that these beers actually deliver what the customer expects.

Breweries supply them with the product that they want and make no claims about the product beyond its taste.
Do we want to open up their claims about the products' taste to debate? No, probably not. They make no direct claim as to the health-giving qualities of these products but I believe my point about how it is inferred in a previous post. I think anyone but the most blinded could see it - even if they don't agree with it.

What is it you want them to actually do?
Be less sneaky.

You wander up to the bar:
"Got any low carb beer mate?"
"Yeah I have - would you like one?"
What is my responsibility now?
As a retailer? Give me my beer now. As a producer who promises a product that fills a hole I never knew existed? You'd better ******* deliver.

Next thing you know Porsche will have to start writing letters to all their customers carefully explaining that no matter what they would prefer to believe - owning a fast, fancy car does not in fact compensate them for having a tiny willy.
If they call their next model "Viagra 2000" you may have a point.
Considering they pay through the nose...

It's a common fact that beer marketeers aim their arrows at the dumb consumer. It's the majority of the beer market in australia. One of the greatest lies is when Carlton Cold came out. Cold filtered became all the rage when we all know it's marketing shit.

The positive out of all of this is that the overall beer market is changing. Drinkers are more educated and there's a big groundswell toward premium and craft beer. Main streams are dropping in volume by 10-12% per year with the crafty's taking a big proportion of it.

It would be nice to think that in the next 10 to 20 years that the current mainstreams are still on the decline and there are double/triple the amount of smaller breweries propping up the market. The only way that can happen is if the population continue to be educated on what real beer can taste like.

i just looked at your avatar for 15 minutes whilst having a superdry...thank you sir, you have made my day!

A pleasure Kymba! Check out Yardy's also... a lovely one too :) Where abouts on the sunny coast are you? I'm in Landsborough.
A pleasure Kymba! Check out Yardy's also... a lovely one too :) Where abouts on the sunny coast are you? I'm in Landsborough.

yes i do like what is happening with the canadian flag there

i'm just a bit north mate, in the Yandina
How come no-one has anything to say about milk??

Full cream milk is around 4% fat
Lite Milk around 1% fat

pretty similar comparison to our full carb beer being 4g and Low Carb being 1g.

I'm sure I've seen frozen meals that say "96% fat free" ie 4% fat ... That means that full cream milk would be considered "Low Fat!"

Those barstard multinational milk companies are missleading the milk drinking public!!!

seriously guys!

We have heaps of people buying low carb beer for numerous reason whether it be less bloating, dry taste etc. The folkes with diabetes love them.

Low Carb beers are being criticized for not being Low Calorie ... I can't remember them saying they were ... they are just low carb
When did people become so lost in these marketing gimicks, i like beer that tastes like "beer", and these days prefer to eat and drink foods that are minimally processed rather than low fat low carb, cause i reackon if they take out fat and carbs from foods they will have more than likely added a bucket load of sugar or something worse. When did people lose their common sense about food? my 2c.

I think the fad for this sad beer style started with some american clown ,in the 70's,who came out with the "south beach" diet.It advocated a low fat,low carb,high protein diet and wrongly labelled beer as being high in carbs,namely maltose :rolleyes: Obviously someone who never studied science.Then the yank mega brewers jumped on the bandwagon, :angry:The rest is history. The craze for this rubbish started here with the start of 'dry beers',Same thing ,different name :icon_vomit: Unfortunately the general public are very ignorant of the facts,IMO what drinkers who are "watching their girlish figure" need,and just in general,is a few mid strength ie:3.5-4.2 tasty 'session' beers.But just try and get people to pay decent money for a well made craft brewed mid strength and see what happens :( ie: Jamieson Summer ale
As much as I hate the beers themselves for being bland and as much as I hate marketting gimmicks, most people I know who drink them like them because they find the dryness refreshing.

Drink it cold on a hot day, drink it fast and the dry finish on a palate = refreshed.

I'd sooner punch myself in the cock with a concrete glove than drink bland awful mass marketted urine but people like it and who can argue with that?

Having said the above, a can of melbourne at a friend's BBQ on a 40 degree day when the only other free beer on offer is Toohey's red, will see me punch myself once then get into it.
As much as I hate the beers themselves for being bland and as much as I hate marketting gimmicks, most people I know who drink them like them because they find the dryness refreshing.

Drink it cold on a hot day, drink it fast and the dry finish on a palate = refreshed.

I'd sooner punch myself in the cock with a concrete glove than drink bland awful mass marketted urine but people like it and who can argue with that?

Having said the above, a can of melbourne at a friend's BBQ on a 40 degree day when the only other free beer on offer is Toohey's red, will see me punch myself once then get into it.
I completely agree,it's only the false idea that they're "heathier" that i find sad.If people enjoy them , and i can at the standard bbq,if they're icy and all thats free/available, then go for it .Some i've found enjoyable,much to my surprise :unsure:
I'd sooner punch myself in the cock with a concrete glove than drink bland awful mass marketted urine but people like it and who can argue with that?

I nearly lost my mouthful of beer over the screen!!! Gold

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