Lion introduces "Tap King" - party keg / growlers

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First post here but what an awesome thread!

Got a Tap King for my birthday the other day and between my neighbor and myself we now have 7 empty bottles. I have 1, he has 6!

Boag's wasn't a bad drop either.

Just put a Munich Larger down tonight and I will try the krausening method to try and get the carbonation going in the beer. Have always preferred it as it leaves a much finer head of beer.

I believe the beer was a Mangroves Jacks Munich Larger. Haven't tried it before. 1KG of Dex, Malt and Maltdex mix for the sugars.

Been a while since I have put one down. The Tap King's have got the brain ticking again on how we can do this without having to use bottles!

Will grab some Mosa 12g threadless bottles, clean it all out and then refill.

Also don't use very hot water in the TK bottles. Buckled one of them tonight when the water was a little too hot.
mrTbeer said:
Tap-a-draft cost $138 vs. TK $23+ $50 parts. Bottles come free.
12g inside, 16g outside
So just the price really? Maybe a preference for 3.2L over 6L too.

Bottles are free if you know someone with a Tap King, or like the beer options offered. I know I am nada on both of those.
oxidation would only be a problem on beers with the yeast removed, so home brew beer unless filtered sterile would survive better.
Sorry guys, long time no post...

I'm onto my second brew in the TK bottles now and loving it so far. I've had no problem naturally carbonating as per you would for bottling into tallies. I've actually got a second TK head so as to have two different brews "on tap" at once. Better still, quite a few mates and colleagues have got onto the TK and as such my bottle collection is going gang busters.

As for CO2 cartridges, I'm using the Mosa 12g from ezychargers and they work perfectly.
Driftdaddy., how long are you leaving them to mature/carbonate before drinking?
So just the price really? Maybe a preference for 3.2L over 6L too.

It fits in the fridge without moving shelves.
Recycling feels good.
If successful range will be expanded to other Lion products eg. Guinness
It has a drip tray.
And did I mention price?
Screwball said:
Driftdaddy., how long are you leaving them to mature/carbonate before drinking?
Current batch was left for just over two weeks for carbonation/conditioning.
Khellendros13 said:
Great thread, but it has me asking myself " Why modify a Tap King when I could just buy a Tap a draft?"

Seems you save a small amount on the Tap King but then have to spend time/money modding it anyway.
Might be some people have mates supplying with with empty TK vessels so once you've modded it the
'kegs' are free or close enough to it ?
barls said:
oxidation would only be a problem on beers with the yeast removed, so home brew beer unless filtered sterile would survive better.
Sorry to side track Barls, but could you point me in the right direction for some info on this? I don't remember reading anything on the subject and am always keen to learn something new.

I guess it's kind of on topic if it's better to retain yeast to avoid oxidisation in the TK bottles.
driftdaddy said:
Current batch was left for just over two weeks for carbonation/conditioning.
Hi driftdaddy,

Just wondering how much priming sugar you used? And what were the results?

jorni said:
Hi driftdaddy,

Just wondering how much priming sugar you used? And what were the results?

In my most recent batch (Thomas Coopers IPA kit) I used about 18g of dex for each TK bottle or roughly 6g/lt. Carbonation seems fine.

For the first batch, I bulk primed 19l with 100g of dex
Beerisyummy said:
Sorry to side track Barls, but could you point me in the right direction for some info on this? I don't remember reading anything on the subject and am always keen to learn something new.

I guess it's kind of on topic if it's better to retain yeast to avoid oxidisation in the TK bottles.
cant remember where i read it could of been the yeast book but its the reason all the megaswill beers have a used by where as most of the craft beers have a best after date due to them having live yeast.
Just picked up a TK head for $23 ($33 with $10 discount) - BWS Stafford City Brisbane!
I have been seriously considering the tap a draft system as well as SWMBO wont agree to the purchase of another fridge for a full blown corny setup due to energy costs, which i can unfortunately see her point there, though after seeing the size of the tap king ive decided against the tap a draft as it would be at least twice the size. I have to share the beer fridge to accomodate SWMBO'S cider and rum, so i can see alot of merit in modding a tk unit to run a sodastream bottle for pouring...and carbing as normal in the bottle due to space constraints in the beer fridge (smaller unit). Will cut my bottling more than in half which is a big win...and also get the benefit of a keg system in a small package. Win win if you ask me
so i have notice a bit of yeasty left over beer getting left in the valve in the lid, i didn't really want to mess around with little screws so that's why i went for the external reg but it looks like it should probably be cleaned out before bottling into them. I'm thinking about just drilling off the heads of the screws to make it just a screw on lid does anyone see a problem with this? it seems much easier to me
mrTbeer said:
Diggs, simplest way is to make a triangular screwdriver and order 12g cartridges online.
Fiddle around swapping new cartridge into old bottles with your beer.
Next, if you get tired of that is to adapt so it can use external gas. The lids are just used as a regular lid and you'll use fewer gas bulbs overall and cheaper ones that are more easily available.
I've already got a couple of sodastream bottles 330g which are cheaper again and available at Woolies etc. but so far finding the fittings to adapt from one size to another has been a pain in the neck.
No need to make the tool, you can buy them for under 5 bucks. I got mine in about a week. Link below.

I've taken the lid apart but haven't refilled a bottle with HB yet. I have some 12g Mosa Co2 from ezychargers on the way as these seem to be the go as stated on this thread. I know it has not been confirmed if they are food grade or note but the add says 100% co2. People seem to use them and not have any problems.

I will update soon.... Hopefully with a success story.
Cheers Barls, just ordered the one you posted.
Pretty sure you don't even need the screws in as long as the lid is screwed on.There is a locator pin that keeps the disk aligned.
Hmmm thats something i never considered. If im going to have to pull the lid apart and clean it i might as well chuck a replacement bulb in and use it as normal? They are only just over a dollar each if you buy a box of 50. How long would i get out of a sodastream bottle?

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