I have been following this topic with much interest and have seen the various solutions for modifying a TK for home brew use. I purchased mine the other day due to the marketing. "Fits into fridge" PIGS ARSE it does! I had to move two shelves and even then does not fit into my fridge depth wise as well! Oh well, is helping me make my case to the "Minister of Love and War" for a beer fridge! After all, I just built her a house with no man cave!
Any ways, back on topic, I am happy to report that I have been successful in getting the TK to work with 8g unthreaded soda charges! Want these to work as I can source from local hospitality store and they do not stock the 12's.
I tried inserting the 8g straight into machine, with same result as others: leaking gas in one hit as soon as canister is pierced.
I then hunted in the shed for O rings etc and best I could come up with was an O ring off a roofing screw. Tried to remove O ring from yellow coupler and insert new O ring but is too big to fit inside the housing. Refitted original O ring and then slid the O ring (tight fit) around neck of cartridge. Next had to determine the hight of the canister as 12g are longer, hence the variety of nuts and washers.
Fit all back together and test run. No gas leak and could feel the charge pressurising the bottle. Dispensed approximately 3.1l of soapy water with a little charge left without missing a beat!
I think that the screws on top of the bottle are important as they seal the top of the bottle and stop contents from leaking. I will investigate more, was a little too happy from 8g results!
Am yet to try with HB in there. Will bulk prime as normal and try out in the next month or so.