Least Favourite Hop?

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Judanero said:
Sorachi Ace. Used in an IPA :icon_vomit:
I've heard bad things about this hop but "Brooklyn Sorachi Ace" is a Single Hop Saison and they used this hop for bittering; dry-hop, maybe more and it got a 98 on ratebeer.
I guess maybe it's just not suited for IPA.
rbtmc said:
Tricky hop to utilize. I've made a nice beer with it incorporated in an APA with some other hops.
I've also made a terrible beer with it as a smash if I recall.
I guess it's a Love/Hate hop, but if you are careful with it you can probably convert the haters.
Not likely mate. I've tried it in a couple of brews. One was undrinkable and the other ( an APA with a lot of other strong flavoured hops and a small addition of NS) still tasted like someone poured plonk in my beer. I see you liked your own post. On ya. :p
danestead said:
Should I say, megaswill has ruined PoR so much that I will not use it. It is the general use of PoR in megaswill and the fact I dont want any connection with that piss at all!
i can say from experience, when trying to make a megaswill rip off for mates, it was marvelous. just pale malt a bit of crystal and POR at 60 to 25 ibu. tasted NOTHING like megaswill. give it a go. i don't even think you'd be able to judge them on the same basis. completely different flavour than that isohop garbage
wereprawn said:
Not likely mate. I've tried it in a couple of brews. One was undrinkable and the other still tasted like someone poured plonk in my beer.
Fair enough. Understand it's not for everybody (most?)

wereprawn said:
I see you liked your own post. On ya. :p

Hahaa! Oops.
Mark^Bastard said:
I don't hate it but find Saaz way over rated.
How do you find the NZ variants?
B Saaz/Motueka & D Saaz/Riwaka?
Another vote for Nelson Sauvin....can't stand the stuff in general. Do recall drinking something recently that listed it in the ingredients and it was drinkable but was mixed with a few others.
Why is everyone against POR and NS.

POR is very good if used for bittering under 35IBU

Nelson Sav is another hop that is VERY strong. So use it as designed.

POR & NS are not designed for late hoping.

POR @30 IBU 60min with 5-10IBU Saaz at aroma/flav is very nice.

Use hops for what they are designed for. Not just what you iPad app says
Perle. I got a minty beer from it that wasn't mintox. Won't go there again.

All you POR bashes- Fresh POR flowers in a Coopers clone are really good!
Ducatiboy stu said:
Why is everyone against POR and NS.

POR is very good if used for bittering under 35IBU

Nelson Sav is another hop that is VERY strong. So use it as designed.

POR & NS are not designed for late hoping.

POR @30 IBU 60min with 5-10IBU Saaz at aroma/flav is very nice.

Use hops for what they are designed for. Not just what you iPad app says
i'm going to say inexperience in using it. i'd like to know the amount of people who hate POR and have used it versus the amount of people hating on it because it is "what's in swill".
I have yet to find a hop I REALLY dislike, yeah I did kill a beer with nelson, but that was my f@*( up. I find when I follow what has gone before, that is listen to you guys, about the way you use a certain hop in a beer, I usually go pretty well. Every hop has a best use, be that bittering, flavour, or aroma, yeah some are multi purpose but within limits. Obviously some hop combinations just don't work, such is life.

Sorachi ace is getting a bit bashed which is a shame, I heard it was quite lemony and was thinking about hopping a cerveza with it. I might rethink that.

I gotta say that I love galaxy and have used NS twice as a small mid-boil addition with other hops in pale and golden ales with success but never on its own.

I'm not a fan of AU Summer though, had a single hopped IPA with it and it left a bad off-fruit taste in my mouth. Having said that, I haven't brewed with it myself.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Why is everyone against POR and NS.

POR is very good if used for bittering under 35IBU

Nelson Sav is another hop that is VERY strong. So use it as designed.

POR & NS are not designed for late hoping.

POR @30 IBU 60min with 5-10IBU Saaz at aroma/flav is very nice.

Use hops for what they are designed for. Not just what you iPad app says
Not everyone likes the same flavours. I've had a lot of commercial beers with those hops, including one of my favourite NZ breweries (Garage Project), and I've liked none of them. I just don't like the flavours they give no matter how they are used.

Suggesting that people don't like those hops because they don't know how to brew with them is pretty silly.
I agree. One bad experience ( which may be brewed error ) isn't enough to write it off. Also hops vary from crop to crop. I loved Amarillo but when I got the next batch it wasn't as nice as the previous batch. I thought NS was awesome, but you have to be careful with it. Same as galaxy. Not a bad hop, you just need to work out the best way to use it
Nelson is my least favourite by a long way. Only hop that I have brewed with that I didn't like. Also, never found a commercial beer that I really enjoyed with this hop either. Drinkable, but not amazing to my tastes.
Sorachi Ace is quite average, just doesn't taste right to me.

Fuggles are horrible.

Columbus is not a hop I go out of my way to use.
Donske said:
Sorachi Ace is quite average, just doesn't taste right to me.

Fuggles are horrible.

Columbus is not a hop I go out of my way to use.
All comes down to taste. I use columbus a lot and absolutely love it.

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