Lazy yak or Carlton draught?

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i reckon it's to do with being spoiled by better beers and having refined taste buds…half your luck for those who think that a Lazy Yak is **** beer, i only wish i was able to brew like you.

But for an extract brewer a Lazy Yak is a nice easy session drinking pale ale on a hot day, leagues ahead of carlton draught! doesn't even compare….yes a fat yak has more flavour, but hard to drink a dozen of them. maybe it depends on what climate you live in?
Disagree. You can still dry hop the **** out of an extract brew and end up with some sort of flavour! Life is too short to drink crap beer.
Now there's Wild Yak..another tasteless beer,suppose to be Melba and Galaxy hops provide an enticing sweet tropical fruit aroma complemented by citrus notes..
wait... arent we all boycotting CUB products while strike is on?
Wait, you mean I've been boycotting all this time and didn't know about it... does that still count?

Although tbh I've been boycotting pretty much everyone recently. Last purchase in recent months was a 4 pines Hefe that left much ( oh so much) to be desired. I might as well just go half half with some apple juice and vinegar.
Yeah TBH I had the lazy yak and thought it was more like drinking a crowny, Not for me.

I'm not one a fan of carlton draught either

Buuut I tried the carlton draught un-assturised a while back and tell you what it's actually not bad... without a doubt different product to the assturised version

I'm not convinced it's just not pasteurised, surely they have to add ass essence to the assurised one to get it just so assy
ScottyDoesntKnow said:
Disagree. You can still dry hop the **** out of an extract brew and end up with some sort of flavour! Life is too short to drink crap beer.
You can end up with a good beer.
DU99 said:
Now there's Wild Yak..another tasteless beer,suppose to be Melba and Galaxy hops provide an enticing sweet tropical fruit aroma complemented by citrus notes..
I think they just show a picture of hops to Wild Yak and the other Yak beers in the hope that it will help them have a hop aroma and flavours. Not my choice of beer, but better than CD I guess (if I was forced)
I can't believe this is a real topic here worthy of discussion

I'll drink my own pissed in bathwater over CUB products... Any of them
i just saw recently that there is a carlton pale ale now. apparently hopped with amarillo and cascade. hahaha right.
Had a Fat Yak 'Original' the other day... It may not be back to its full glory, but a gazillion times better than what it had become.
I quite enjoyed it. Wouldn't pay for it at full price tho... that might just be the brewer in me...
i wonder if we are all drinking the same stuff???

because there is no way in hell the carlton draught we get where i live, has any hint of Citra or NS hops in it , just dirty old remnants of POR that have been sitting on the brewery floor for about 10 years!

but the Lazy Yak is full of both Citra & NS, especially when on tap.

Maybe we are getting different brews under licsense through other breweries or something? or maybe old stock???

because i'm gobsmacked that anyone would rate a CD higher than a LY???

So much so that if you asked for a carton of CD here, they would say, "hang on, we might have one out the back near the skip bin, been there a while but?, do you still want it???, we'll give you $5 bucks if you take it!"
Different strokes different folks, me myself I find all megaswill boring but if I'm at the pub I'll go CD or Bundy and water in a 7oz with lotsa ice.
DU99 said:
Now there's Wild Yak..another tasteless beer,suppose to be Melba and Galaxy hops provide an enticing sweet tropical fruit aroma complemented by citrus notes..
They're just trying to get on the "Pacific Ale" juggernaut. Try it side by side with a SWPA and you could make a very strong case for false advertising.

Just like the Fat and Lazy this Yak is boring, tasteless rubbish that probably has less than 1 gram of Galaxy per batch. Label will sell tons of it tho.
Tried a Yak Pacific Ale this afternoon in Bundaberg. Woeful! .. Buttery diacetyl taste with no redeeming characteristics...