Lager - Didn't Filter Hops, Secondary Fermentation And/or Filtrati

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Hi Guys

I tried to make my first kit beer that had separate dry malt and hops pellets - a Liquor Craft kit #62 (Stella/Belgian lager).

After mixing and blending the malt, and boiling the hops pellets, it said I needed to strain the liquid, but I didn't have a strainer, and I couldn't see any lumps, so I just tipped it straight into the fermenter.

Then I noticed there were bits of hop leaves, and I'm worried they won't sink to the bottom of the fermenter.

Now it's a week later, and a sample seems to have tasted OK but it's got lots of solids in it, so I guess my main problem will be filtering out any hop leaves and sediment when bottling.

I was hoping I could just bottle by putting a strainer in between the tap and the bottler, presumably with a funnel, but I've since read that beer should not be exposed to oxygen, so I'm guessing a funnel is not optimal.

So the questions:
- how much harm would I do by adding a strainer and funnel in between the tap and "little bottler" when bottling?
- would that work to remove any debris, e.g. bits of hop leaves?
- any better suggestions?
- would having a second fermenter help, e.g. by doing a secondary fermentation/racking? I'm assuming I'll still need to filter/strain it somehow to get the hop leaves out?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Where did you draw your sample from, top or bottom of the brew?
So the questions:
- how much harm would I do by adding a strainer and funnel in between the tap and "little bottler" when bottling?
Dont do your head in about the oxygen thing, widely debated, I would have concerns about foaming using a strainer if the beer wasnt cold.
- would that work to remove any debris, e.g. bits of hop leaves?
- any better suggestions?
Crash chill for a minimum 72 hours as cold as you can get it, 1-2 deg`s.
- would having a second fermenter help, e.g. by doing a secondary fermentation/racking? I'm assuming I'll still need to filter/strain it somehow to get the hop leaves out?
This will help as well but not as good as chilling.

Thanks in advance for any help.

did you use hop pellets, plugs, flowers or a hopbag?? if they are pellets let it ferment for at least a week and a half then put in fridge for 2-7 days then try to bottle without moving the fermenter but if you have to try not to stir it back up. I done about 15 batches with full extract without straining so had almost 100g of hops added without straining the wort just followed that and was clean and clear few of the last bottles may have a little bit of hop residue but not much to bother you
Where did you draw your sample from, top or bottom of the brew?

Yep, should have mentioned those details.

1. I drew it from the tap on the bottom of the fermenter.
2. I moved the fermenter first. I have it in my laundry trough, because my laundry keeps around 14 degrees, but I can't access the tap when it's in the trough. I guess I'll want to move it to my bench, then let it rest overnight before bottling.
did you use hop pellets, plugs, flowers or a hopbag?? if they are pellets let it ferment for at least a week and a half then put in fridge for 2-7 days then try to bottle without moving the fermenter but if you have to try not to stir it back up. I done about 15 batches with full extract without straining so had almost 100g of hops added without straining the wort just followed that and was clean and clear few of the last bottles may have a little bit of hop residue but not much to bother you

Pellets. Unfortunately I don't have a fridge I can put the fermenter in. Hoping fermenting at around 14 degrees in the laundry will be sufficient (rest of house has heating, but laundry doesn't). The yeast is Saflager, and the directions say that should be OK. Unless there's a better option?

So sounds like at a bare minimum I need to move it to the bench 2 days before bottling.
Thanks for the advice Haysie. Wishing I had a second fridge at this point. :)
If they are pellets there shouldn't be any flowers floating around. Plugs will have flowers. But I wouldn't be too worried by the description. Yes, let settle on bench top.

If you want to get the temperature down sit fermentor in ice in laudry tub, or use esky ice blocks on fermentor (wrap with towel/rope/etc)
If they are pellets there shouldn't be any flowers floating around. Plugs will have flowers. But I wouldn't be too worried by the description. Yes, let settle on bench top.

If you want to get the temperature down sit fermentor in ice in laudry tub, or use esky ice blocks on fermentor (wrap with towel/rope/etc)

Nah, it's just little green flakes, maybe 0.5cm x 0.5cm.

Yep, an ice bath should be easy enough.

So I can get away with waiting until primary fermentation is finished, moving to the bench, letting it rest, then bottling, but the best thing without buying more gear is to siphon into another container and leave that in an ice bath?

In that case, I'm basically lagering, right, and my understanding is the longer I keep it there, the better it will turn out? I'm guessing an ice bath will bring the temp down to around 6-8 degrees, in which case I should keep in there about 3 weeks?

And I do that after primary fermentation has completely stopped?

(Was just thinking I'd leave it at 14 degrees for another week then bottle, but with all these questions, it might be time to buy a book!)
after 3/4 done (please correct me if I am wrong) raise the temp to about 16-18 to let the yeast clean up after then selfs then I would wait till its well done and rack to a sanitised cube or drum and then try to drop to 1-4 if possible if not what ever you can get then leave for 2-3 week I would suggest crack the lid every day as I left mine for 3 days and it was just about to burst lol and yes it was fully fermented just releases gasses or something as the gas that came out was like sulfur (lagers will smell like that) so guess the point is release lid a bit every day till it wont preasurise anymore

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