just did my first run with the fluteds. firstly - this is my first mill, so i can't compare it to anything. and i've got no experience.
i fed grain through, a handful at a time, until i found a good consistency - (2 qld drivers licences + 1.5 notches wide) on fawcett pearl. whatever that means, cos i don't have feeler guages. then i sent 5kg through on seriously slow speed. almost no flour, but even the smaller grains were nicely cracked.
come the mash, and it was so clear i thought i'd blown it. my gf barely raised a sweat over the top mesh, and it looked pretty watery compared to my shop milled.
45mins into mash @68, colour started to come on and a touch of foam, but it never got to the overflow pipe.
sparge made me really concerned cos it went through as if there was no grain under it - 13L in under a minute.
currently boiling with great colour, so hopefully not the disaster i thought it might have been. i thought maybe too coarse, though i will narrow a little next time just to see.
mill looks like a real winner, even if i reserve my opinion on the first attempt.
ah - now i can smell it from 2 rooms away and it smells gooooood.
my only problem is spending all that money for only 28secs of fun for the week. maybe i can mill the neighbour's house. the *******s will never find it again.
i'll update with the gravities when they come in, but it seems better than my most hopeful expectations