Kiwi Pubs Glass Sizes

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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In Qld and NSW when you walk up to the bar the default beer in clubs and pubs is the 15 oz Schooner. In Vic it was the 10 oz pot last time I was there but I think they are going larger - I actually got pints last time.

In NZ if you just wander into a pub, what is a 'beer' there? Just out of gruesome fascination I'd like to have a session just on their mainstream fare like DB, Lion, Montieths draught whatever. I'll try anything once. I used to hear complaints that it was served warm, but I assume they chill the ballocks off it like they do here? :icon_cheers:
Just out of gruesome fascination I'd like to have a session just on their mainstream fare like DB, Lion, Montieths draught whatever. I'll try anything once.

Ban plz :lol:

But seriously mate, we dont have any standard sizes over here, some bars may charge you $7 for 400mls of Lion Red and others may charge $5 for an imperial pint of the same stuff - depends on where you go and what youre drinking of course...

Most bars however, you cant get a proper pint, and youre looking at between 330-400mls per glass for between $5-8, craft beer obviously gets more expensive...
In Qld and NSW when you walk up to the bar the default beer in clubs and pubs is the 15 oz Schooner. In Vic it was the 10 oz pot last time I was there but I think they are going larger - I actually got pints last time.

In NZ if you just wander into a pub, what is a 'beer' there? Just out of gruesome fascination I'd like to have a session just on their mainstream fare like DB, Lion, Montieths draught whatever. I'll try anything once. I used to hear complaints that it was served warm, but I assume they chill the ballocks off it like they do here? :icon_cheers:

Jugs. 1L, poured into a 250ml glass.

In a club (RSA etc) you'll get bigger quart (I think) glass jugs.

Most pubs and clubs will also sell you a pint, in a "handle". Not sure if it's a real "pint".

Maori pubs generally serve tallies over the bar - 750ml. If you are a pool shark, make sure you can fight :D .

Drink lots of the Macs and Monteiths brews - they're good considering their origins. You can buy beer at the supermarket pretty cheap - Aussie beers are often the cheapest.

It's been a long while since I was in a NZ pub, so things may have changed and the gang members might actually be drinking Chardonay in champange flutes - but I doubt it.

IIRC I think Cantebury Draft and Lion Red are the same beer. The DB offerings are as bad as the Lion ones - DB Export (never seen it exported) and Lion Red sell a lot. Steinlager, of course is the "premium" lager and is pretty good for a Megaswill offering. Most of the beers are 4%. Lots of Continuous Fermentation breweries.

There are also weirdly styled beers like Tui (like the Aussie "bitters"), it's supposed to be an IPA - nowhere near.

I think I'll stick to a glass of Lion Red - just so I can say I've done it , then head into the Beervana hall ASAP :beerbang:
Schooners (425ml) here in pubs are around $4.20 and $3.50 at the RSL.

edit: I'll be on the Mac's tour so that will be enlightening. Are they a part of Lion or DB or independent?

Woolies is looking good - $A12 for this one :icon_drunk:


I think I'll stick to a glass of Lion Red - just so I can say I've done it , then head into the Beervana hall ASAP :beerbang:
Schooners (425ml) here in pubs are around $4.20 and $3.50 at the RSL.

edit: I'll be on the Mac's tour so that will be enlightening. Are they a part of Lion or DB or independent?

Emerson's is a pretty good drop outta Dunedin... brewer is profoundly deaf...
Mac's beers are aaaaawesome.
In the south island three years back, everything was served in a regular schooner glass.
Dont forget to try out the happy taps! :D

It is much weirder in Adelaide.
A 'pint' is 425ml
A schooner is 250
An imperial pint is anywhere between 568 and 600ml
And the beer is stupidly expensive compared to every other part of the country Ive ever been to.
Macs are sadly just a part of the coroporate monster that is DB

Also doesnt seem like Nick has been over here for quite some time - I havnt seen a jug in years!!
Have you seen the prices in WA swinging beef. There is a bar close to the city selling Asahi pints for $17. I don't like going out in Perth drinking as it's darn expensive. The other day I saw a figure that WA's inflation is running at 4.5% double of what the average is, even the more reason to do homebrew.

The usual for Perth is Pints about 585 ml and middies about 285 ml. I have only heard one person say schooner and have never heard the Vic pot mention over here.
yup pots = middies. Middies in nsw, pots in qld, but it's years since I had a pot - mostly for the old bowling club guys. Went on a craftbrew walk around Brisbane CBD ( that's a very short walk I can assure you <_< ) and had a pint of Irish Red at the International Hotel Spring Hill, handed over a $10 and got a $5 in the change. Queried it, and yes that was right :chug: Stayed for a few more, excellent beer made by Rudi.
Also doesnt seem like Nick has been over here for quite some time - I havnt seen a jug in years!!

Too many fancy, schmansy Auckland pubs, eh bro!? :D

The last time I bought a litre jug in NZ it was $5.
Too many fancy, schmansy Auckland pubs, eh bro!? :D

The last time I bought a litre jug in NZ it was $5.

Last time I was in Auckland (18 months ago), at the Macs neighbourhood bar, on the main road of Kingsland, I was buting hoprocker by the oversized glass jug-full.
Kingsland is bordering on fancy schmansy, about 5 mins from the heart of the city.


Don't forget to try Speights. The brewery tour in Dunedin is well worth the effort. A 6 story gravity fed system with its' own spring water and a nice bar at the bottom.

Checked up on the RSA clubs and if you are a reciprocal member as in my RSL card you can get pints from $3.80 - things are definitely looking up :icon_drunk: Contacted the NZ RSA and a wee lassie called Margaret emailed me back in 10 minutes with details of how to get to the Lower Hutt club, what trains and buses to take and what stop to get off at. Awesome. I am starting to get the feeling that Kiwis on their home turf are probably what Aussies used to be like in the 1960s before they caught the "haveaniceday-itis" virus :lol:

Last time I was in Wellington (Feb 2009) I went to Hashigozake Beer Bar. The food was good, but I did not try any beer. Their website says they have Baird's, Rogue Ale and Meantime.

The Backbencher on Molesworth Street in Thorndon (just down from the Beehive) will provide you with the DB Draught that awaits you, plus a feeling of some of the history/culture of the locality.

Oriental Bay is great for an afternoon walk (before 3pm) and Seatoun or Eastbourne would be good for a look too.

If you want to go further afield then Martinborough (Wairarapa) or the Kapiti Coast would be good day trips.

I think that fish & chips, ice cream and greenlip mussels are worth trying.

It may be very cold and windy in Wellington. 8C during the day the other day.

Have a great time!

Wellington?! :huh: In winter? For fun? :D

There used to be a bar in Auckland years back (not sure if it still exists) that sold literally hundreds of beers. You'd get a menu and read it to find something you wanted. I have a feeling it was called the London Bar, but might have my wires crossed.

I think I'll stick to a glass of Lion Red - just so I can say I've done it , then head into the Beervana hall ASAP :beerbang:
Schooners (425ml) here in pubs are around $4.20 and $3.50 at the RSL.

edit: I'll be on the Mac's tour so that will be enlightening. Are they a part of Lion or DB or independent?

Woolies is looking good - $A12 for this one :icon_drunk:

View attachment 40037


It's painfully awesome when you go overseas and look at the beers in the supermarket, and you see beers you'd practically have to get a second mortgage to buy weekly in a bottle-o over here going for cheaper then we pay for swill lager.
Can't shed much light on pub glasses, having been years since I stepped into one. (Do remember being served jugs though!)

Whenever I do go back to Kiwiland the Mac's range is always on the menu, mainly just for ease of access. Particular favourite being the Black.


I beg to differ. The Speight's tour is overpriced, commercial and tells you nothing you didn't know if you are a homebrewer. If you're in Dunedin, a visit to Emerson's would serve you better. As for the beer at the end, I've always been told that discretion is the better part of valour.


Don't forget to try Speights. The brewery tour in Dunedin is well worth the effort. A 6 story gravity fed system with its' own spring water and a nice bar at the bottom.

Wellington?! :huh: In winter? For fun?

Thanks for all the hints and tips guys. We are just shooting over the ditch for a few days for a fully paid up trip to the Wellington Beervana festival, my prize for winning the Bris comp this year (told you you should pop up the M1 and join BABBs, Nick :icon_drunk: ) Thanks to Ross and the committee for all the hard work organising the minutiae for us. Smooth job guys.

The thought of ever going to Wellington was less likely than Tallarook to say the least, but as I'm going - I've done some virtual touring and I like the look of the place. We're staying at the Duxton right next to the Harbour area and there's a heap of indoor activites virtually on the same or adjacent blocks, Welly is an incredibly compact place (had to be shoe-horned in due to the geography)
  • Two Beervana formal dinners at Town Hall - get pissed
  • Macs brew n bar next block (looks like similar to a JS brewpub) - get pissed
  • 2 blocks away from a big New World supermarket with beer section - get pissed back at Duxton
  • Dinner at the Balti house up the same street - various cooked sheepmeats - you always kill the one you love - get pissed on Kingfisher Strong :icon_chickcheers:
  • Hop a train/cab to Lower Hutt to the RSA (=RSL) for pokies fix, dinner - get pissed as not driving
  • Full Macs tour at the big brewery - get pissed
  • 2 sessions at Beervana at the town hall itself - get totally legless
  • Te Papa National Museum next block, apparently 5 years ahead of any museum on the planet - sober up
  • Cable car ride to the top of Mt Whatapilearock or whatever - sober up

With luck I won't remember a thing afterwards but I'll post piccies, and use 2 bag allowances to bring back 2 x 2L worth of samples for sipping at next BABBs meeting.

Also SWMBO only has a glass or 2 of wine so I'll be using all her coupons :super:

Edit, Nick if you join BABBs you'll eventually meet the other Nick, NickB and we can form a club within the club "the rice bandits" haha

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