I've just finished my 4 keg collar system using a brand spanking new Fisher and Paykel (F&P) chest freezer.
It features 4 stainless Celli taps, kegs and fittings, courtesy of Craftbrewer:
The Fridgemate is integrated into the collar:
The Fridgemate is isolated from the fridge by a baffle. All electrical lines run inside the collar between the inner and outer wall. Access to the Fridgemate electrical and temperature probe connections is via the removable plate fixed with 3 stainless screws (below). The grey cord protruding from the electrical box is the temperature probe lead.
Due to vagaries in the spring system used by F&P to hold the lid in the upright position, it had to go. As a result the lid is now held up by a stick. I'm not bothered about it, as the lid doesn't need to stay up much
The finish on the collar is White Knight Appliance Paint in white. A cold Canberra winter coupled with an increasing level of impatience meant the finish is less than perfect, but i'm happy with it for now. I've already got ideas for improving the collar design, so I may rethink it come summer. It may never happen though

After a couple of beers the quality of the finish improves markedly!
It would have been great to locate some of that rubber seal strip in white rather than biege, but I guess it creates a bit of contrast. I contemplated using silicon between the collar and the freezer, but the rubber strip means I can remove the collar with minimal mess in the case of future upgrades.
The back side of the front mounting plate was designed to allow the Celli taps to fit without the use of a shank. The aluminium bracket that fixes the front of the collar to the top of the freezer will shortly be painted in gloss white.