Kegging Setups

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Only run a ferm chamber but even at those temp i get a little condensation but i compensate with a small desk fan running with the stc
Hi guys, I think I may have a problem with my keg or beer out line.
I have just poured from the keg (carbonated nicely) but after a pour I see the liquid in the line seem to fall back to the keg and creates foam in the line. The last keg I had did not do this the line stayed full with clear beer.
I do have another ball lock liquid connector to try but could it be the tap also?
The last keg I had hooked up poured great from the first to last pour and was completely emptied.
Thanks in advanced.
Take the quick disconnect off, look in it for anything unusual. Look at the post, cake sure the poppet in the post is sealing itself flush to the post.

Maybe apply a little lube to the post and whack the qd on firm ply all the way. Most likely source of air leaking into the line should be the post and qd combination if you haven't worked on anything else.
Yob said:
Build it and they will come... The issue is really getting rid of the bastards ;)
Hahaha classic loving that :) your dam right about that.
Keezer almost complete, just spent a couple of hours attaching disconnects to co2 manifolds. I'll post a photo when I can accompany it with a full build thread. It's looking pretty sexy though can't wait to show it off.

I'll still do a full build thread probably next week, when the rest of the kegs come. Have one keg of pale ale, sitting at 3c for when I get home. First pour will be tonight, 10hr day today, might go down as one of the longest days in history.

Can't wait.
Hey all. New to the forums.
Thought I might share my build.
350 Ltd keezer with flooded 4 tap font.

The above is before I installed it in the house, the second is the completed font.
Currently on tap is a Coopers IPA, Steam Beer, Light German Bock and a Extra Strong Vintage Ale
Cocko said:

More info more pics and more posting!! Nice looking rig mates...

Welcome aboard.
Yeah it looks great housecat. Would love to see the internals (including the cooling rig for the font).

Impressive font too. Where did you get it?
Cheers all.
I got the font from a bar in Melbourne.
He was doing a refit and I got it on the cheap.
A little elbow grease and a coat of paint, she came up a treat.
The chest freezer was from grays online, taps from eBay.
The tap badges I made (I'm in printing and signage).

Here's the bar in with. Taken just after we moved into the new house.
It doesn't show the drip tray or beer tap badges.
I'll post some more pics of the chill system and internals when I get a chance.
maxim0200 said:
Why Keg?
Because i almost lost an eye from an exploded bottle =(

Edit to add, thats all that was left of the bottle and a chunk flew up and left a gash on the bridge of my nose. soooo lucky!
Lucky u could have got hurt real bad..i'm evidence of that !
Grainer said:
Lucky u could have got hurt real bad..i'm evidence of that !
Grainer, your case makes me think..

As in, most home brewers are at their own threat - You dont do it right or rush or skip things you have learnt, there is a chance you may have bottle bombs - which are potentially, an actual BOMB that can hurt you or others VERY seriously - [please use plastic as a beginner]

BUT you trusted in an outside source and were to believe that you could trust in them and all is normal, as you should be able to, paying for a service.... ****!

It still makes me scratch my head about how your scenario could happen....
uploadfromtaptalk1399018823494.jpg my semi finished keezer. Done a dodgy job on the arrows and still can't decide what to do with the lid. Pretty happy with it though. Made the drip tray out of scrap at work!

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