leighaus said:
nice setup scott.. whats your total costing if you dont mind my asking? looking to do the same thing essentially.
$100 for the fridge second hand
Free timber thanks to Donske
Bottle opener was a gift also
$20 including postage for a cheap chinese temperature controller
$160 for the manifold, keg seal kits, taps and fittings from keg king, although I already had 2 disconnects and need another 4
$120 for kegs from Craftbrewer
$20 for castors from big green shed
cant remember about the bottle and regulator, bought it about 2 years ago from the LHBS as a package with two kegs, line and gun for I think $450?
$15 Maple stain, quater tin used
$15 satin varnish quater tin used
$20 for two cans of gloss black spray paint
$10 for plastic primer (white plastic grill and trim looked horrible)
$10 for chalkboard spray paint.
It adds up when you look at it, but because I bought piece by piece I was able to get it all past SWMBO's budget.