I should point out in fairness that all other keg king purchases have been of high quality. They really need to stop stocking this brand/type of element, and I haven't had any service issues with them, including refunds for my elements. So you should still consider heading to them for whatever you need, as long as its not those death sticks.
So you have the latest version then??
Nope. But my experience with the old version was traumatic enough to warrant not trusting them, especially as multiple revisions have had problems, from my research. I was given a refund on the supposedly new models because I wasnt comfortable with that brand, ever. I fully admit it is an emotional response. But for many, that is a strong deciding factor in a purchase, no matter how irrational it is.
At first these were the only element I used in my brewery so it was set up for them. On my HLT/kettle is a stainless J box to house the elements. the inside of it is covered in soot from all the blown elements. I had 5 and 5 ****** up. couldn't get replacements so I changed the brewery to suit different elements. They came from ebay like the originals. Haven't had one blow since.
Ross they were a **** element you knew it and so did lots of other people. Now you have fixed it you are vocal. Bit late bloke.
Hey red baron, post any feedback about these new elements im keen to know if they are worth buying.The guys at Keg King have been nothing but helpful with me. I advised them of a burnout on thursday, confirmed my purchase details on friday, and a new element arrived today- monday. I have high hopes for the new one. I'll admit they probably have a bit of experience dealing with this issue by now after reading the previous 17 pages, but their customer service can't be faulted in my case.