Guys, just want to check my logic and numbers before I cut the beer line
My old fridge is currently running at about 8C
I want about 2.3 volumes of co2
I have 5mm beer line
Restriction is 33kpa (not 100% sure on this)
Dispensing pressure is 13psi or .90kpa
Dispensing pressure divided by resriction gives me a hose length of 2.73 metres
For those that have done the calculations before, am I on the right track ?
My old fridge is currently running at about 8C
I want about 2.3 volumes of co2
I have 5mm beer line
Restriction is 33kpa (not 100% sure on this)
Dispensing pressure is 13psi or .90kpa
Dispensing pressure divided by resriction gives me a hose length of 2.73 metres
For those that have done the calculations before, am I on the right track ?