Is My Hop Plant Broken?

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heya all.

My por popped out of the ground with 2 shoots and has seen sunlight for about 5 weeks now, and although its got very healthy looking green leaves, its still only about 15cm tall. Shouldn't i be getting some vertical action by now? Ive fertilised with sheep poo and they get a good drenching with drippers every second day. Am i doing everything right?
If its growing I don't think its broken, these things are weeds.

Mine have been out of the ground for about the same amount of time and are < 30cm tall atm, give it time.
heya all.

My por popped out of the ground with 2 shoots and has seen sunlight for about 5 weeks now, and although its got very healthy looking green leaves, its still only about 15cm tall. Shouldn't i be getting some vertical action by now? Ive fertilised with sheep poo and they get a good drenching with drippers every second day. Am i doing everything right?

Don't stress, mate. It will take off soon. My Cascade (2nd Year) has had its head up for a couple of weeks, but has also been slow to start this year. Hersbrucker (second year) has only just popped up yesterday.
While the weather is still cool, I am only watering once a week with a good, deep watering. However if yours are first year plants, only water when, say the top few cm of soil is starting to dry out- you don't want to drown them and drippers every second day ATM in Perth might a little bit of overkill. Only water when they need it. RDWHAHB ;)
Cheers John.
thanks guys.

I think the blokes in the other thread posting photos of long bines were just making me feel inadequite. :)

I think i will mulch a bit thicker cos the mound seems to dry out pretty quick in this hot weather now. Cheers for the tips!
thanks guys.

I think the blokes in the other thread posting photos of long bines were just making me feel inadequite. :)

I think i will mulch a bit thicker cos the mound seems to dry out pretty quick in this hot weather now. Cheers for the tips!

Don't worry, thre's always someone with a bigger bine, its what you do with it that really counts B) .

My PORs are out but taking their sweet time to grow to the cord, while my Tettnang is 1 metre up the trellis already.


My Columbus still has to sprout :D
My hallertau and chinook have a few shoots just making their way out of the soil now. Nil action on the cascade plant though. Haven't used any fertiliser, though. Reckon I should?