Hop Bine Broken, What Now?

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Ive got a chinook rhizome thats been in the ground a few weeks now and i took ages to come up and now its about 20cm high. That was until i went out to water my hops and noticed that the top 2-3inches had been broken off. Not sure who it was. But its now broken. It was the only one one that had come up too. What will happen now? will it grow a new bud on top and then continue on from there or will it now always be this size and we have to wait until another bine appears?

Any advice would be appreciated

it will be right. Its first year by the sounds so most energy is in the roots, It will grow but it will prob put side shoots off the broken bine. There will be other shoots to come up they dont all show at once. if not as long as its green, its alive so dont worry as long as the roots grow next year will be what your worried about.
thanks for the reply. I thought it'd be ok. Im in my first year of hop growing so im quite the noob. Should i be cutting the small bines back to encourage the growth of the larger ones or it really doesnt matter in the first year?
nop dont cut them I got 7 shoots on my POR they will all be left to grow. First year there is no reason to cut them back, depends on the rhizome you got but it should of had little white shoots. If it had one you will prob only get one shoot if it had more they will surface. It may shoot more but as I said it will mainly try to grow roots the first year or so, Even if all shoots come up and they are well looked after you may just get one brew out of the whole bush. So dont stress for the sake of $5 of hops I wouldnt worry the first year lol
They be noxious weeds these hop plants!

It will either side shoot from that bine at the next node down or send another one (or ten) bines up in its place.
Not sure who it was. But its now broken.

Any advice would be appreciated

Hi Richard,
Your Identity & location up in the hills prompts me to help uncover the mystery behind this dreadful wanton destruction.
I offer two quick possible scenarios that might help you solve it:

The most obvious first
1). Could it have been broken by an overly excited participant in a Satanic dance ritual around the poor plant?
If it was dark I could understand this, however don't these things usually take place under a full moon? :unsure:
2). You simply could've got drunk one night & innocently tried to make yourself a hop cigar!
If this is the reason don't worry as this is easily done in the heat of the moment, put it down to experience & move on.
But get yourself a couple of store bought hop cigars to cover any further binges during the growing season.​

I hope this help shed some Light on the mystery :lol:
Have you tried fixing it? Maybe a splint would work?

nop dont cut them I got 7 shoots on my POR they will all be left to grow. First year there is no reason to cut them back, depends on the rhizome you got but it should of had little white shoots. If it had one you will prob only get one shoot if it had more they will surface. It may shoot more but as I said it will mainly try to grow roots the first year or so, Even if all shoots come up and they are well looked after you may just get one brew out of the whole bush. So dont stress for the sake of $5 of hops I wouldnt worry the first year lol

The second year however, is crowd control. If they are happy, they are like ivy and seek to go bloody everywhere. This may seem ideal, but it can result in it putting all its effort into growing and maintaining the bines, resulting in less hops. Keep the water up to it, give it some compost or manure, and it will be throwing out new bines before you know it, particularly as it is in the ground rather than a pot or tyres. T
Hi Richard,
Your Identity & location up in the hills prompts me to help uncover the mystery behind this dreadful wanton destruction.
I offer two quick possible scenarios that might help you solve it:

The most obvious first
1). Could it have been broken by an overly excited participant in a Satanic dance ritual around the poor plant?
If it was dark I could understand this, however don't these things usually take place under a full moon? :unsure:
2). You simply could've got drunk one night & innocently tried to make yourself a hop cigar!
If this is the reason don't worry as this is easily done in the heat of the moment, put it down to experience & move on.
But get yourself a couple of store bought hop cigars to cover any further binges during the growing season.​

I hope this help shed some Light on the mystery :lol:

lol. Nice one...... :p

Wasn't me. Promise. :ph34r:

Might be time for some ghetto fencing, maybe keep the dog out.
lol. Nice one...... :p

Wasn't me. Promise. :ph34r:

Might be time for some ghetto fencing, maybe keep the dog out.
Good idea about the fencing dogs can die if they eat the hops apparently. Not worth taking the risk as I think the vet bill would probably get you a 20 Lt Braumeister these days :lol:


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