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Hi guys
I have been lurking around the forum for quite a while now, so its time to introduce myself. My name is Anthony and I am nearly 28 and I am an industrial electrician from Melbourne. I got into home brewing about 3 years ago when I was given a coopers brew kit. Just brewed K&K at first, but now after lots of reading on this forum, I have stepped up steeping grains, mini mashes etc, and I hope to venture into BIAB ag brews soon.

Hi all,

been reading the forum for some time, got good advice on brewing. Just started with k&K and have done 4 brews now.Will try some more kits them I will start to work with full extract brewing.
Hello all,

My name is Kev and I am an alcoholic...sorry that just seemed to flow well.
Nah not an alcoholic but started brewing about 6 months ago and am doing extracts now and thoroughly enjoying it, it is amazing what you can create.
Want to work up to AG eventually but best learn the ropes first.
I love to work with metals so ill slowly build my own setup over time.
Seems like a very well informed forum and am looking forward to sharing information with you all.

Cheers and bottoms up,
Welcome to the forum

look up Kleiny. He's a bendigo AG man.

happy brewing
Hi Guys,

i figure i should introduce myself, as i have been lurking for quite some time with the odd post here and there. My name is Jabin, i am 27 yrs old and work as an analyst for a steel foundry, although my background is in mathematics. I basically stumbled across this site a while ago in an attempt to figure out how to brew better beer. I had brewed a fair bit of K & K while at uni, with mixed results, usually ok and drinkable, although there were exceptions to this. About this time last year i was thinking one night, "there must be a better way to do this, beer is one of the oldest beverages, i'm pretty sure the egyptians weren't using a tin of coopers to make this stuff...". Anyway, so i started trying to find information on how to brew from scratch, and after a while found this site and well, i guess i found what i was looking for.

To date i have brewed 3 AGs, once again with mixed results. Someties my own arrogance amazes me in hindsight, trying to create recipes with no idea about what i'm doing etc., then wondering why it doesn't quite taste right. Anyway, I've got JZ's american amber ale in the fermenter now, and it tastes a hell of a lot better than my last foray. All in all, i'm stoked to have come across this hobby, and also impressed with the level of willingness to offer advice that i've frequently seen on this website. I'm pretty much hooked.
Hi Guys,

i figure i should introduce myself, as i have been lurking for quite some time with the odd post here and there. My name is Jabin, i am 27 yrs old and work as an analyst for a steel foundry, although my background is in mathematics. I basically stumbled across this site a while ago in an attempt to figure out how to brew better beer. I had brewed a fair bit of K & K while at uni, with mixed results, usually ok and drinkable, although there were exceptions to this. About this time last year i was thinking one night, "there must be a better way to do this, beer is one of the oldest beverages, i'm pretty sure the egyptians weren't using a tin of coopers to make this stuff...". Anyway, so i started trying to find information on how to brew from scratch, and after a while found this site and well, i guess i found what i was looking for.

To date i have brewed 3 AGs, once again with mixed results. Someties my own arrogance amazes me in hindsight, trying to create recipes with no idea about what i'm doing etc., then wondering why it doesn't quite taste right. Anyway, I've got JZ's american amber ale in the fermenter now, and it tastes a hell of a lot better than my last foray. All in all, i'm stoked to have come across this hobby, and also impressed with the level of willingness to offer advice that i've frequently seen on this website. I'm pretty much hooked.
Welcome ! Mathematics and beer , could work.If I need any Mathe problems solved you are my first port of call.Enjoy the brewing.
Hi All, I've been lurking for a few months so should introduce myself. Nicname is Krusty, live in Roxby Downs in central South Australia and work at a mine. Been brewing kits for around 18 months and will soon be getting into partials (can't be bothered getting big pots to do AG) and tinkering with wine/cider. Just started kegging as well (first beer came out the gun perfect).

Happy Brewing :icon_chickcheers:
Welcome Krusty, Roxby Downs hey, where do you ferment at home? I would imagine it swings between freezing and hellish hot during the year. Good beer drinking country whatever :icon_cheers:
Our house is well insulated, I use a spare room on the south east side of the house. Outside of the peak hot period of summer, I can keep it under 25 as we often have the air-con on. Last few weeks the fermenter has sat around 18. I've just got a temperature controller for my spare fridge so I'll be brewing a few lagers over the next month or so.
Our house is well insulated, I use a spare room on the south east side of the house. Outside of the peak hot period of summer, I can keep it under 25 as we often have the air-con on. Last few weeks the fermenter has sat around 18. I've just got a temperature controller for my spare fridge so I'll be brewing a few lagers over the next month or so.

Same here in SEQ, fermenter around 18 - golden months of brewing at the moment. Cheers :beerbang:
Hey everyone,

I have been getting a lot of really helpful information from this forum for a while now and thought it was about time I said hi. My names Jim and Ive been brewing since September last year. I currently brew partial mash ales and am slowly getting an all grain setup together. I also joined the Babbs a few months ago. I really love beer and brewing and look forward to brewing all grain soon.

Cheers, Jim
Hi ***, I'm in BABBs as well, it can be a bit schizophrenic as there are so many AHB members in BABBs as well so when you talk to them in the flesh on club night it's easy to fall into the trap of addressing them by their forum 'nicks' although Kram is Kram, I don't know if anyone knows what his real name is, maybe Cosmo :p Last meeting I had to find the AHB member "Jye" on a club business matter and when I caught up with him it turned out his name's Jye.

See you at next meeting, *** Jim, bring a bottle or two...

BribieG Michael :)
Another BABBs member here, and I can tell you that to find Kram's name, just reverse the letters of his nick :p
Another BABBs member here, and I can tell you that to find Kram's name, just reverse the letters of his nick :p

Damn and there I was thinking he had named himself after the Indie rock band of the same name :D
Hey michael thanks for the welcome. Ill definately bring a bottle or two down to the next club night. Always a good time.

Cheers, Jim
Welcome O'Henry to the loony bin.

Stick around, enjoy, brew some beer and ask heaps of questions. Like any place there are the good the bad and the ugly but take what you need and leave the rest. I'm sure you'll fit into this forum no worries. Don't be too harsh on your AG attemps if it was easy everybody would be doing it.



A Looney, a Beer Geek and a Computer Nerd walked into a was Chappo :lol: :lol:

Hi All,
Live in Sydneys Eastern suburbs am 32, Married, 3 kids.
Got into brewing 3 or 4 years back when I was given a brew kit.
Am still on kit and kilo with extras...
Have my 15th brew in the fermenter right now, it's 50 litres.
Am drinking my 14th batch from a 23 litre keg.
Have kept records of all brews though only named one.
Gunbrew, Batch 13 was awesome, 4 kits, extra malt and dextrose finished up at 14% Alc, Made 50 litres just in time for the arrival of my keg system in March.
Mates and I got into it and I was not happy when it ran out.
Found the high alcohol meant you could not enjoy any more than about 3 beers without being a bit gone.
Batch 14 and 15 will only be 6%ers.
May try to replicate batch 13 some time though.
Have learnt plenty from this site already, good to hear how others are doing things and get advice.
Hi everyone,

I have just come home from a year vacation overseas and I'm ready to brew!

I was a K&K many moons ago but stopped after thinking the funny taste was what home brew was (especially with the HB owner telling me it tastes great!). Fast forward to Jan 08 and I started thinking about brewing again. Searched the net and I found this site and the Brewing Network.

Ahhhhh information overload.

I went from extract to mini mash to all grain in 3 brews, albeit 12L batches due to apartment living and was loving it.
Then I had to do something stupid like take the trip of a lifetime overseas for a year. This gave me lots of time to read up on the tech side and now I'm ready to put it into practice..... When I find a home...... and a job.

I look forward to participating and learning from this great forum.


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