Infection Photo Thread

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Hi guys, im not sure if its all right. One picture is few days after I pitched the yeast and other is from today, 12days after.

im not sure about the smell, since is my second batch only. But I would say a bit "sour" !!? I used Chinnok and Cascade, almost one ounce each and SAFALE-US05 yeast.


Looks like a healthy krausen on the left and a bunch of yeast farts on the right.

Pitched yeast (4th gen WY1272 slurry) into a black IPA on 22 March with an OG of 1.062: 12 hours later there was an obvious krausen through the side on my jerrycan.
I went to dry hop it a few days ago and it looked like no other beer I've ever brewed...a crumbly kind of coating right across the top. Smelled delicious though.
Took a sample 1.008 and had a taste. It tasted very green but no obvious off flavours. I did notice some small flies in the ferm fridge which has/had me very concerned.

SWMBO took a couple of photos today and the crumble has gone, possibly from me lugging it into and out of the ferm fridge. Still smells amazing, just like Galaxy and Citra.

Anywho, after all that, I'd really appreciate some advice on whether or not this is an infection?


looks like a pellicle. could be any number of microbes causing it. If it tastes good, Id say cold crash and drink asap as it may create off flavours if you leave it at room temp for much longer. Most harmful microbes cannot thrive in the acidic and alcoholic environment of beer, so not too much concern there. But if left to go unchecked, could end up tasting pretty bad.
Looks a hell of a lot like a pellicle, and the description of the surface of it as crumbly certainly reminds me of infections I've seen/had. I'm not the most experienced infectionista, but I've had two. With the crumbly one the beer tasted fine at first but the flavour almost completely disappeared over about six weeks, and the bottles were total gushers.

Edit: Like he said about 15 seconds before me ;)
Thanks for the feedback guys, I appreciate it.

I won't bother dry hopping and am crashing it now.

Unfortunately for me it's the first beer I brewed with a mate who I had some Karma Citra with on Xmas Day. First infection in over 180 brews.
I can hear him already, "Never had an infection he said....."

The only positive is that I'll bottle it in champers bottles so they shouldn't explode. I'll probably undercarb as well and will warn him to drink his half quickly. Speaking of that, he hasn't chipped in for the ingredients yet...maybe I won't warn him.

In terms of cleaning equipment I'll probably just chuck the jerry can and get a new one. $25 or so for (relative) peace of mind.
Hi All,

Keen on some opinions on this India Saison. 2 weeks since I brewed it, cold crashed two days ago and currently sitting at 1 degrees. I'm a bit dubious on the white clumps that have formed.

Thanks for your replies.

jyo said:
Looks like clumps of yeast to me. How does it taste, mate?
Tastes & smells fine - nothing untoward I don't think.

kwinchee said:
Ferg did you use a flocculant (whirlfolc etc)
No I didnt use anything on this - I kind of like cloudy saisons.

Upon further research it would seem french saison yeast can cause the krausen to curdle. (

Was lucky we I pulled the Bummock Wee Heavy from this barrel.

This was the one that was let, unintentionally, to dry out a little too long and developed a slow tar like leak which then got a bit of mould on it.

Ive got 100L of stout in it currently with this developing on top.

dunno which way it'll go... probably south
Ouch. That's pretty devastating all the same mate's still good... It's still good...

I've got a few growlers of the base beer so will be able to compare... I'm in no hurry though
Have you tasted a sample from near the top? I reckon it's going to be ok, surface crap, that's all.
Evening all,

This will be my first post and not really in the topic I wanted to debut in. I've been home brewing for a few months now and I've recently jumped head first into BIAB. I found the fatter yak recipe on here and went crazy for it so I made it my first BIAB batch. I've put a brew down and it's been in the fermenter for a week now (the first 24 hours the air lock woke me up it was going nuts) so I decided to have a quick peak and low and behold I found this and I'm not sure if it's the start of infection. There's no bad smell to speak of I'm just too new to the game to know. Any info is greatly appreciated guys!
