If Money Was No Object

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Having 3 weeks off over Xmas has seen me spend a large amount of time on the interwebs and drooling over the Beerbelly/Morebeer.com/Farra type brew rigs and shaking my head at the complexity of the systems that some of the guys have built on here.
Short of a full-scale brewery plant, if money was no object, what would you spend your lotto money, rig-wise
5 x Crown urns in a row? Or 5 x Braumiesters? Would you go homebuilt like that amazing Braumiser that we've seen here?
Does a push button, Rolls Royce style, fully automated 3V system exist, and if so, would it take the fun out of brewing for you?
I'm interested to know as there's a lot of handy guys on here that would turn their noses up at such a thing

So where does your lotto cash go?

yeah when its finished of course
I'd probably buy a nice house by the beach, then nick some stainless 44 gallon drums from the scrap heap at work, some PLC stuff an solenoids and put something together myself to occupy my days in between the cocaine, Timorese prossies and Ferarris. After I tell work to stick it, of course.
buy a property out in fergie valley and start my brewery with a 10hl setup. and do the ecu brew course and go my hop/dope to fund it all.

then sell it to some large corporation and start again.....
I'd get my 19L BigW pot gold plated and get tungsten carbide blades for my grinder.
I'd get my 19L BigW pot gold plated and get tungsten carbide blades for my grinder.
You can take the....

LOL. But seriously, my 19L pot saved my brewing hide barely not a week ago.
I'd get 4 big ***** beer wenches in bikinis to brew for me.

I'd just sit back and watch
I'd be more than happy with a one of the 50L Braumiesters. That, and 2 temp controlled conical fermentors.

Job done. Still have to work :(
The first thing I'd get is two cool rooms, one for serving one for fermenting. I'd then buy like 50 kegs and some sort of automated keg cleaning system.

Then probably a 160L brewery so that I could do 8 kegs per batch if I wanted. I'd just make big batches and have enough beer to last a really long amount of time.

I don't really fantasise about bling in the brewing side, more in the serving side. I'd love to just have surplus kegs sitting there cold conditioning. So many that if you didn't label and date them you'd be ******. And when a keg empties you just hook the next one up. Same beer. And chuck the finished one on the automated cleaner for 15 minutes or whatever.

Man that'd be awesome.

I'm sick of beers hitting their peak when the keg is 1/4 full and then they just end unexpectedly :-(
... So many that if you didn't label and date them you'd be ******. ...
I see mysel walking around such coolroom, tap and glass in hand, 'identifying' beers :)

I wonder if I'm the only one here that doesn't know what he/she will do with a lotto win!
Probably a 20l Braumiester, an absolutely bitchin' plate chiller, and someone to clean it all for me....

I'm a simple man. As much as I enjoy tinkering with things - I find enough enjoyment with the recipe/brewing science side of things to sate that desire in this 'hobby'.
I've seen a Sabco up close at Craftbrewer, not sure if Ross uses it much anymore?
Want to sell it Ross?