If Hops Are Bad For Dogs, But The Dog Like Hoppie Beer ...

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I used to feed my dog Bob Martins choccie drop treats for training purposes, but I suppose they were in small safe doses compared to say a 200g block.

My mum's (supremely annoying) dog scarfed pretty much an entire block of dairy milk when she was out once and she panicked like hell that the dog was going to die. I did a quick bit of googling and found that the amount required to be eaten to actually make a dog sick (forgetting fatal amounts for a moment) was ridiculously high. We all eat things on a daily basis that will kill us if not taken in moderation (hell, even water can become toxic if you drink enough). I am still typing and have forgotten my point (seems like a good thread for this, however).

I guess as long as you inform you dog of the possible detrimental effects they can make an informed decision.
I guess as long as you inform you dog of the possible detrimental effects they can make an informed decision.

Its a Black Labrador and he can lick his nuts .. perhaps short on the informed stuff ... discuss ...
I guess as long as you inform you dog of the possible detrimental effects they can make an informed decision.

Yeah, I like this philosophy.

I had a great dog (recently passed :( ) who was forever put off grog of all kinds because she took a lap of neat whiskey out of my glass when a pup. Had an aversion to all booze ever after. A shame really, she would have been a funny drunk.
my 12 yr old mini foxie helped me finish half a beer this arvo (giving the liver some training for caseswap) she got half a stubbie down and them was the most active ive seen her in 3 yrs, therefore beer 4 dogs = good. i know for a fact she likes scotch and dry, everytime i have one of them i suddenly have a new best friend, who won't bugger off till she's had some for love or money.