I Got A Spittoon!

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Uh, Detective Parson, madam.
Reaction score
Marvellous Margate. Qld, that is !!
Just got to figure out what to do with it - apart from the bleeding obvious.

It's big and brass and got cigar ads on it and I'm so proud. $15 in Lifeline.

Chips and dip anyone? Or popcorn? Or just take turns licking the crusty stuff in the bottom :icon_vomit:
Just got to figure out what to do with it - apart from the bleeding obvious.

It's big and brass and got cigar ads on it and I'm so proud. $15 in Lifeline.

Chips and dip anyone? Or popcorn? Or just take turns licking the crusty stuff in the bottom :icon_vomit:

That's so cool. Nice score! Now I want one, p-tang!!
Take it to a party half filled with sago pudding laced with a bit of green food dye and eat spoonfuls of it in front of people.
Don't drink from it..................so hard to stop after one gulp............ :lol:
Damn you Screwy, I was about to post that old joke and you've revealed the punchline.
Post the joke anyway, for the benefit of us young chaps.

...... I had to stop to chew :icon_vomit:

You can't knock it over. It's got a weighted base and it always comes back upright.
Who'd have thought that would be a desireable feature in a spittoon. :blink:
Give it the bestest clean you possibly can, if you do want to put anything foody in it.

They took them out of public places because they were breeding vessels for tuberculosis.

Yum! :(
If its like this one
View attachment 36159
you could use it as a portaloo as well next brewday,
shiny and convenient.
Still I suppose there is already the pedastal on the lawn :p .
No, it's like this one.


Except Copper for middle section, not brass.
Probably a fake from 70's but, hey, it's intressing.
Now all ya need is some chewey tobacca

And practice not missing!
Off topic - apologies.

Mrs warra is in Sydney for a few days. Dropped her off at the airport this evening. Something to do with a High Tea for daughter dear's hen's function.
Don't know about chewy tobacco, but I'm thinking I'll buy some pipe tobacco tomorrow morning, and dig out one of my old pipes.

Aaaahhh, maybe it's the terrific Mild and Old English Ales I've just imbibed, but at least it's a plan.
Wow, my first ever Mild, but I love it, could easily become a house brew.

Back on topic, take the Spittoon with you to a wine tasting, and you can show up all the other pretend w.nk.rs.

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