I Dont Like Amarillo

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Sorry but thats a yes from me too!!
Just received a late chrissie present, a myer group gift card that can be used at Ist Choice etc as well! Might ho myself off to the bottlo later and do an up to date taste test as it isn't going to cost me anything then I might know what I'm talking about ;)
I love JS golden ale, I havent had a shot at making a batch yet tho. Any AG recipe suggestions would be welcomed.

Hop selection for me is generally based on whats in the recipe, and I have used Amarillo and the beer tasted fine.

For hop tasting when a bit drunk, I have bitten off a bit from a few different types and tasted them hrmm, not an overly good idea. But there was a difference between them, just how that relates to a beer I have not worked out yet.
I love JS golden ale, I havent had a shot at making a batch yet tho. Any AG recipe suggestions would be welcomed.

Hop selection for me is generally based on whats in the recipe, and I have used Amarillo and the beer tasted fine.

For hop tasting when a bit drunk, I have bitten off a bit from a few different types and tasted them hrmm, not an overly good idea. But there was a difference between them, just how that relates to a beer I have not worked out yet.

your not meant to eat them...try smoking them next time :blink:
I don't think your odd at all mate. Personally, I don't dislike it....but I'm not a huge fan, either. Muckey has done several of Smurtos GA's, all no chill. The first was smurtos ammended version, brewed faithfully to the letter (it was his first AG, so he did it as a benchmark). Initially, it appeared to bitter, but we ran out of beer on tap ( :eek: ), and had a bottle of the first batch the other day. It had indeed mellowed.

The second was with the IBU reduced very slightly on the 60 min addition (about 3-4IBU I believe). And the hopping was changed to combination of amarillo/cascade. Third batch was same again, but with the OG dropped marginally, from 1047 to 1044. Batch 2 and 3 also had no dry hopping. For his tastes and mine, batch 2 and 3 were winners. The citrus of the cascade cut the more cloyingly sweet fruitiness of the Amarillo very well indeed, and both batches were OK for fairly young drinking. And as you know, hoppy beers aren't my particular thing, either. Have moved onto other recipes for the time being, but will revisit the GA, perhaps just with cascade, perhaps with the mix of the two.

Everybody has there own particular taste preferences....and imo with something like this, it's not a case of right or wrong, it's a case of personal taste.
Each to their own, but I reckon you'll might come around in time.
I hated Cascade for a while, mainly cos it was one of my first hop purchases, and went in some weird kits. Lets' blame the recipe maker, yours truly.
Now I've come about and love it.

Mmm, Amarillo!
I wish JSGA was a true megaswill, served in every pub in Australia. THAT would make a drink at the bowlo almost worth leaving the barfridge, hey?
I don't like the stuff either - its OK to add a layer to a more complex hop bill, but on its own...... Its not so bad lately, but a year or two ago I was starting to get sick of smiling politely as yet another brewer proudly presented me with a glass of their "All Amarillo Ale"

errrgh- yet another glass of beer that tastes like its been mixed with mandarin flavoured cordial.

now I cringe whenever someone mentions the stuff
I just made Dr Smurtos GA with Simcoe hops instead of Amarillo because the shop i got the grains at said it would be a good substitutioin (*cough* beerbelly).

Fermenting in Primary at the moment, goes to secondary on Sunday.

First AG here i come. ;)

NO :eek:

Im with you brother!

I like it in small amounts mixes with other hops but on its own...........

Do you know how many times i have almost made the Dr's beer and looked at the hop schedle and said..... no way!

I made my LCBA beer a while back with Amarillo instead of cascade and it was great......... on my passionfruit threshould but great.

I recon it would mix well with NZ Styrian goldings too.

OK so I took my Myer gift card round to the big Liquorland on the Island and obtained six JSGA which I am drinking right now. The first bottle I poured into a nice thin glass and immediately I was six years old again suffering from tonsilitis and there was my faithful glass of bright orange lucozade.

Got over that and tasted it, and it's not a bad ale but the hops are to my personal taste, a bit strange.. there's also a hint of metallic something or other.

I still don't like it much and won't buy it again.. I'm drinking subsequent beers straight out of the bottle which seems to give a more concentrated hit of the fragrant stuff. The hops remind me too much of my ALDI orange oil cleaner that I use around the brewery. Yup that's what it tastes like.

Shortly I will cleanse my tastebuds with a Pennine Bitter with fuggles and goldings. :)
I just made Dr Smurtos GA with Simcoe hops instead of Amarillo because the shop i got the grains at said it would be a good substitutioin (*cough* beerbelly).

Fermenting in Primary at the moment, goes to secondary on Sunday.

First AG here i come. ;)

Pretty sure BYB has made one like this too,, either that or an APA with simcoe either way it will be nice.

Cheers KHB
Think your crazy but i spose the fact i dont stock any commecial beers other then JSGA at home makes me slightly impartial

even if its not what it was 3 years ago i still think its a great drink

when i brew i do tend to use a heavy hand with the amarillo though to compensate for squires is missing :p
I find it has a harsh bitterness early on, but seems to smooth out with a week or two in the keg. Ran out of beer so quickly threw together the Dr's golden ale for new years eve, and Tony's LCBA with B saaz to finish of some stock. The LCBA was more drinkable early on, while the Golden ale was quite bitey. Just poured a glass of the Golden (been in the keg about a fortnight now) and its a lot smoother. My $.02.
Mix it with Centennial or Cascade (and a touch of Tettnanger) for great flavour. While the B Saaz angle is covered well, Cascade mixed with D Saaz is great, so I'd suspect the Amarillo should provide a similar result.

How about Amarillo and Galaxy? Should be interesting.
Amarillo and galaxy would be a great combo!

Amarillo and galaxy would be a great combo!


Indeed it would be! I love Amarillo and simcoe together and to me galaxy is a lot like simoce.
I don't like the stuff either - its OK to add a layer to a more complex hop bill, but on its own...... Its not so bad lately, but a year or two ago I was starting to get sick of smiling politely as yet another brewer proudly presented me with a glass of their "All Amarillo Ale"

errrgh- yet another glass of beer that tastes like its been mixed with mandarin flavoured cordial.

now I cringe whenever someone mentions the stuff


I am over it as well.

And that's a yes from him, and it's a yes from me.

Aniseed does sound a bit odd though- is it possible that you have something else going on with this beer that's not hop related? Aniseed is probably a flavour I'd associate immediately either with an infection (band-aid medicinal taste) or perhaps a brew that's been fermented way too hot.........

I brew a few belgians "hot", at times "aniseed" can be detected. Dom maybe on the money.
edit. belgian with amarillo didnt happen, scuse off topic. dry hopping a little amarillio then aged is nice, too many times we need a drink TODAY.