banora brewer
Well-Known Member
Just made a cascade ipa, just about to pitch the yeast when I notice my 4 year old throw in the rubber o ring, my heart just sank, he ran of crying. So will this beer be a sitting time bomb???
Just made a cascade ipa, just about to pitch the yeast when I notice my 4 year old throw in the rubber o ring, my heart just sank, he ran of crying. So will this beer be a sitting time bomb???
I've pitched the yeast, the ring has been sitting outside, and the kid is in bed!!!!! GrrrrrrrWhere/what situation has the O-Ring come from?
Have you pitched now?
In my very under edumacated experience about infections, and pretty much anything yeast knowledge based, opinion, I would be pitching ASAP!! Its worth the risk rather than writing off a batch over a little something like that - I have read tales of glasses falling in, phones, bugs and anything else you can think of and the beer ending up fine.....
From my understanding, the main case of infection is from wild yeast or an infection to the yeast in the early stages of its life... So unless that o-ring was coated in wild yeast or something that your brewing/pitching yeast eats and becomes a completely different strain instantly, I would be pitching ASAP and hoping for the best - what can you lose, the same as you are thinking of losing now plus a little bit of yeast!
So, time bomb? Maybe, maybe not - but a possible good beer is better than a tipped one.
2c + grain of salt.
BTW: Also, I would be beating that kid and screaming at it until he cries a heap!:lol: - Obviously, just jokes!
I've pitched the yeast, the ring has been sitting outside, and the kid is in bed!!!!! Grrrrrrr
I've just had a crownie, so I'll just wait and see what happens.Ahh... don't stress it mate, not worth the stress....
Sit back relax and forget it happened. Taste your sample, when time, and then turn the thought back on.... every chance you will be tasting the sample or even end carbonated product with a questioning mind, an infection may become your brain looking for it, if you know what I mean.... anyway..
Good luck!
Wouldn't you have sanitised the o-ring along with the rest of the gear? If so, you'll be right!!
12 replies - couldn't read them?
Try again!
PS. Cocko, better? :icon_chickcheers: