Hydrometer Use Query

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Yep. It is quite cloudy.

Tastes ok. Leaves a nice sweet bitter taste in my mouth.

Most of the froth is gone on top of the wort There is a thick crusting around the top sides of the fermenter. Most condensation has cleared.

As a rule of thumb for myself, i leave all my brews for 12-14 days before even taking a hydro reading. This way i know it should be pretty much finished, if not finished a few days ago, and also give it some time to clear itself up.

Also, as you will hear more and more on this site, try and keep your fermenting temperature between 18-21'C for ales and 12-14'C for lagers. Otherwise you will end up with a glassfull of unwanted esters (fruity flavours)

I've been wondering the same thing and curiosity led me to the isntructions for beersmith which say -

"Note, however, that using Brix readings directly from a refractometer on fermenting or fermented wort does not provide an accurate reading. Refractometers are calibrated to read plain sucrose in water and the Brix readings need to be adjusted to get accurate specific gravity readings for wort."


Refractometers are great - you do need a apply a formula to your reading after fermentation has begun though

Have a look at this website http://brew.stderr.net/refractometer.html

and this post http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/inde...st&p=330379

agree with everything said already.

I think it's good to make some notes about the taste and smell when hydrometer readings are done.

It will give you a better insight into how it will turn out if you're an impaitent bugger like me.

cheers (& beers)

Refractometers are great - you do need a apply a formula to your reading after fermentation has begun though

Have a look at this website http://brew.stderr.net/refractometer.html

and this post http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/inde...st&p=330379



I think it's good to make some notes about the taste and smell when hydrometer readings are done.

Yes, licking the prism doesn't quite convey the aroma.


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