How Old Are You? How Long Have You Been Hbing?

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How old are you?

  • under 20

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  • 20-30

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  • 30-40

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 40-50

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  • 50-60

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60 and over

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  • Total voters
don't want to get in the middle of anything, but holy ****! this cracked me up.

apart from that truman, i'm a useless brewer but a bachelor level statistician. if your daughter has a question about her project you can't answer, feel free to pm me and i'll try and help.
Thanks mate will do. I just hope we can get all the figures before the mods delete the thread like they did the lickapop thread, because that's the way this one seems to be heading.
Ya numbers are all fukced up. Should be 21 - 30, 31- 40 etc. FFS its not hard. First thing you can teach your daughter is how to conduct a proper poll.

Yes, it's ironic that a post about data and statistics should have such a glaring mistake! Your ranges should have been, e.g.:

< 1 year
1-2 years
3-4 years
5-6 years

Age 52

First beer 1996

First mash 1997

First wine 2000

First cider 2008
Started brewing in early 2003.

Nothing special, K&K - thought it was amazing when i added some hops a whopping 10g teabag of cascade....

Found this site a few years ago and haven't looked back. Ditched the can opener, been AG for coming up to three or so years.

3V brewer mainly doing pale and golden ale types, and fake lagers...

35 years old, two kids which make me feel like im 70! Have started talking to my soon to be 6 year old son about the benefits of doing **** yourself instead of paying someone else so you can sit on your arse and watch.
The poor bugger will probably be brewing by the time he's 12!
Im 35 years young.
Newbie to hb started 6 months ago and loving it!!
Shes a 12 yr old girl doing her own research for a home work project...I see your point but I really dont think the teacher is going to care how she presents her data and statistics.
Uh...the teacher may question the appropriateness of your daughter handing in alcohol related homework. You may want to think twice about this one.

Why cant a thread on this forum stay friendly instead of always turning into a **** fight.
Plenty of threads stay civil. Most of them are about making beer.
Isn't school finished 2011, well it is in Qld. I would assume with one week left that all assignments would be well and truelly finished?
1st brew was all grain 6 months ago.
Farkin blows me away how quickly you start making quality beer if your prepared to learn and work for it.
Isn't school finished 2011, well it is in Qld. I would assume with one week left that all assignments would be well and truelly finished?
They dont finish here until end of next week and it wasn't an assignment just a home work sheet she had to finish off. She asked the teacher if using HB stats would be ok and the teacher said yes because her stats were really just about a hobby and the age group and years in the hobby.
I'm 37 years old, and I will say that I have been Home Brewing for a bit over 12 months.

I will not count the ********* attempt I did once, about ten years ago. Best not to remember that. :(
I'm sorry.

don't be. it pays quite well (i'm actually a research psychologist) and i have plenty of time to play around with brew related stuff.
Age = 30 in a few days
First coopers K&K was 12 years ago. Turned out good. Second K&K was bad enough to put me off home brewing for 3 years until a room mate talked me into saving cash for my upcoming wedding by making our own beer. Third K&K was average so I decided to figure out how to make better beer. Found and made a tasty partial for a fourth batch... then found this site which led me to join a brewers club, find new priorities for household items(EG: lost an esky, found a mash tun) and develop an expensive taste in commercial beers that make the average pub punter look at me like Frankenstein when I decide not to order one of the available beers after interrogating the poor barmaid.

EDIT: Typo
39, been brewing for the second time since about 07, before that for a few years in the early 90's. Gave it up then because of all the bloody bottles. Then a mate found me kegs. Never looked back. :beerbang:
45, did a 1 x BOP in 93-94, then another in 96 (whilst living in Canada) but I couldn't make VB so gave up :)

Then started 2 years ago, for 3 months of K+K then AG.
32 and bottled my first K&K in May.
don't be. it pays quite well (i'm actually a research psychologist) and i have plenty of time to play around with brew related stuff.

How does that make you feel?
I'm sensing that you are using your brewing to escape from something yet you are still angry. Are you a kit brewer? Can opener style brewing would be enough to make one mad at the world, I'm hearing you, i feel your pain.. Make peace with the world, try all grain brewing. :ph34r: :p

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