How Old Are You? How Long Have You Been Hbing?

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How old are you?

  • under 20

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  • 20-30

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  • 30-40

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  • 40-50

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  • 50-60

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  • 60 and over

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  • Total voters
I agree re: the content being suitable for children & am amused that it took until post #69 to come up!
Regardless of how flashy the data presentation, what are you saying about your ethics to your teacher & community by this content.

Off my soabox.

Ironically, I capped my first home brewed beer in my uncles dedicated home brew shed age 11.
Brewed my own first beer age 13. I'm amazed it's legal to sell cans to minors.
I'm now 32

Analyze that research psychologist!
Hi i'm Mike, i'm 27 and i'm an alcoho...oh right wrong thread.

Been brewing since 2003, so 8 years. 3 of which dedicated to the holiest of holy persuits...All-Grain
Pumped out batch #172 this week...where does it all go!?
Uh...the teacher may question the appropriateness of your daughter handing in alcohol related homework. You may want to think twice about this one.

Plenty of threads stay civil. Most of them are about making beer.

I dont see it as purely alcohol related homework. I see it as a hobby based report with statistics on the age group of those who do it.

How would it go if she handed in the report based on top speed/horsepower and age? or even worse how many times you have sex and how old you are....

Home brewing is a hobby craft that adults par take in and its legal. I would give the lass thumbs up for taking an interest in something her old man does because i would be bloody over the moon if one of my 4 kids took an interest in something i do.

I agree re: the content being suitable for children & am amused that it took until post #69 to come up!
Regardless of how flashy the data presentation, what are you saying about your ethics to your teacher & community by this content.

Off my soabox.

Without wanting to go into a debate about schools, but:

I really can't see the problem here. If the task was to represent statistical data of any kind then what's wrong with showing age groups of people who brew their own beer as a hobby?
Is anything alcohol related not to be mentioned in school? I mean we're talking about adults brewing beer here, not kids.

Shouldn't there be an open discussion about risks and gains of alcohol/drugs in school anyway? That's at least how I remember it.

Just curious as I have never visited a school in Australia, but will be sending my kids in a few years.

I do agree that there was a stuff up with the age groups though, but am sure your daughter will figure that out and adjust the data accordingly to not get marked down/make a fool of herself.
Let be real here.

A chart of age vs australian inventors or colours of ponies on the world equestrian teams, would satisfy as a content to survey and represent data at a school level, and might inspire an interest in something elevated.
If the student is being offered a choice on what to survey, the decision on what to study offers insight into the motivations of the child.

It doesn't take a genius to guess what a teacher or average person (non AHBer) think of the kid who rocks up with studies about beer.
Dads helping, or she has abnormal interests.

I had the same debate with a teacher mate of mine on ways to practically apply enzyme studies and biological cultures...

I have a 3 year old.
He soaks up everything I do like a sponge.
After he "helps" me brew is see him playing with hoses and buckets for days...

I think I'd rather him be 'interested' in golf, music, literature, heck even computers

Plenty of time to be corrupted by the demon drink later in life

sorry truman
drunk enuf to bite
OK so I haven't read the entire topic, but SWMBO is naked and begging me for ### so I am 29 and been brewing since 18 or 19 years old.

OK so I haven't read the entire topic, but SWMBO is naked and begging me for ### so I am 29 and been brewing since 18 or 19 years old.


Be quick drew, and read the thread.
Hahaha top stuff Drew...

23 here and been brewing for four and a half years here (answered four in poll).

Did it out of nessecity at university, when my total food/fun budget was about $70 a week after rent etc had been taken out. I remember how much money the $88 seemed for a Tooheys brewing kit, the concept of investment was palpable. The resulting brew was poor... so off to the LHBS for advice. That brew turned out alright, and so have most after. Best $88 I ever spent!

Cheers guys - boingk
I dont see it as purely alcohol related homework. I see it as a hobby based report with statistics on the age group of those who do it.

How would it go if she handed in the report based on top speed/horsepower and age? or even worse how many times you have sex and how old you are....

Home brewing is a hobby craft that adults par take in and its legal. I would give the lass thumbs up for taking an interest in something her old man does because i would be bloody over the moon if one of my 4 kids took an interest in something i do.

That's exactly what it is, just some statistics on a hobby and the age group of those doing it. They have done some school work on alcohol and it's effects etc already at school. I think these days they teach it to them younger because so many kids are getting drunk at 16.
I have four kids too and was happy that she took an interest in something I do. My two sons only care about their wrestling on foxtel and their nerf gun wars with their mates.
I also work with statistics in my day job.

It'd be a bit of work, because the poll doesn't capture quite the right information, but if you trawled through the posts, you'd be able to gather <age, brewing-years> pairs. If you put it into two columns in an excell spread sheet, you could make a nice scatter plot. From reading quite a few of the posts, it sounds like there are quite a few brewers who started brewing around 18, therefore you'd see a vague line (a correlation) showing a connection between the two measures.

I'm 27 and have been brewing for 5&1/2 years. Did 4 or 5 kits then straight into allgrain.
25 and been pretending to home brew since 15. hopefully next year I can get back into it at full steam!
27 and been brewing K&K since 19. Had a 2 yr hiatus in there somewhere when travelling. Just moved into AG and never going back...
Started brewing in 1969, came to Oz in 1973, started brewing again 2009.

So 66 (fairly fit, just carried 21kg on a 4 day bushwalk, my other passion) and been brewing 6 years

Didn't take any food then Ian. Just carried a keg of Irish Red around for four days - drunk and lost in the tomato plants out in the garden.
I agree re: the content being suitable for children & am amused that it took until post #69 to come up!
Regardless of how flashy the data presentation, what are you saying about your ethics to your teacher & community by this content.

Probably because giving much of a shit what someone else's daughter wants to do for their school project is unnecessary for most people.

If you are concerned about ethics, there are far more important and interesting places to start than Truman's daughter researching dad's 18+ hobby.

Maybe if dad's hobby was posting amateur porn on redtube, or manufacturing crystal meth it would be a different story but making beer?

Does it really concern you, deep down inside?

People are strange.
Started brewing in 1969, came to Oz in 1973, started brewing again 2009.

So 66 (fairly fit, just carried 21kg on a 4 day bushwalk, my other passion) and been brewing 6 years

Top stuff mate, thats one thing I always like as well... although 21kg is a pretty hefty pack. I usually stick around 17kg or less, with 2kg allowances each for food and water. Hell, its usually got a 6 pack of beer in there as well! Nothing beats a 3 day/2 night walk around Mt Koz national park and enjoying a few beers that've been cooled in the Snowy.

Anyway, so long as you're enjoying it theres no worries. All the best on the next trek!

Cheers - boingk

I remember years ago when doing coopers kits, the tins came with a resealable plastic lid and where handy for all sorts of stuff. One of my boys kept his coloured pencils in one, he took it to school once and was told to put it away and never bring it back :lol: :lol:
he took it to school once and was told to put it away and never bring it back

The fun police at it again! Good use for the can though! I still have one or two of those old coopers can I use for keeping my small drill bits, punches and cold chisels in!