How Often Do You Replace Your Bag

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Ringwood, Melbourne
I dont BIAB but I use a sheet in my MT over the manifold and have noticed some severe discoloration/build up on the sheet.

Just wondering what people do about this, I hose it off right away and then chuck it in the wash but I rekon Im due for a new piece..

I tell ya a stuck mash has never been easier to deal with, I just shifted the sheet and away it went agian :icon_chickcheers:

I replace mine about every year.

I hose it out every batch, and wash it in the machine every 5 or so. Sometimes I plonk it into some napisan.
I chuck mine on the "quick" cycle on the washing machine after every batch - no detergent. Comes out pretty good, too.
I thought mine was a goner after sitting full of wet grain in a hot shed for several days (you know the smell I'm talking about!!)

Gathered the courage to chuck the grain and rinse it out, then soaked in liquid bleach solution for a few days, then sun dried... it's back to brand new !!
I just use a large circle of voile, hemmed around. Current one has been going for nearly a year and still as new, the stepdaughter did up a new one for me the other week just as an insurance policy but I reckon they will both last indefinitely. Unlike the brewer.
Still on my first, going on 16 years now.

Oh wait, you weren't asking about our spouses. :)
even just sodium perc will do the trick. ****** lot cheaper than pbw as well
Just soaked my blackened hop bags in a weak bleach solution the other night came out as white as the day I got them.
Anyone noticed any deterioration using bleach?

Might give that a go.
Anyone noticed any deterioration using bleach?

Might give that a go.

No, i still have my original pieces of voile used for grain, hops in the boil / fermenter ect.

You do not need much bleach to get things white again.

I only use the no rinse sanitiser strength of 1.6ml bleach / L water with 1.6ml of vinegar added after mixing.

After a hot nappy san wash and rinse chuck it the sanitiser for a couple of days and its bright white.